Товаров, помеченных как «Под заказ» в столбце «Доступное количество», обычно нет в наличии. Такие продукты доступны для покупки, однако из-за их ограниченной клиентской базы они обычно имеют более высокие минимальные количества. DACPOL предлагает продукты, которых нет на складе по следующим причинам: DACPOL в настоящее время имеет большое количество электронных компонентов на складе и ежедневно добавляет новые продукты, однако десятки тысяч дополнительных компонентов и их различных вариантов доступны у наших поставщиков. Несмотря на то, что иметь все эти продукты на складе неразумно из-за ограниченных продаж, мы считаем, что сделать их доступными в интересах наших клиентов. Наша цель - проинформировать клиентов о максимальном количестве доступных продуктов и дать им возможность принимать решения на основе характеристик, цен, наличия, необходимых минимумов и наших технических рекомендаций. Обратите внимание, что установка флажка «В наличии» может ограничить отображение только продуктов, доступных для доставки прямо с полки.
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Our offer includes a wide assortment of heatsinks. Our products come from reliable suppliers, thus guarantee durable work. Industrial heat sinks can be used in places where there's a need of transferring energy to prevent damage to components. Because of our long experience we provide professional support and advisory services.
What is a heatsink?
A heatsink is an element or a system of elements, which task is to transfer heat from the system, to which it is attached, into the surroundings. It's a mental block or alloy, which conducts heat, with an external part in the shape of ribs or rods to maximize heat conduciveness. Heatsinks are mostly made out of aluminum or copper and are important elements of electronic systems.
Our catalog includes:
What is a heatsink?
A heatsink is an element or a system of elements, which task is to transfer heat from the system, to which it is attached, into the surroundings. It's a mental block or alloy, which conducts heat, with an external part in the shape of ribs or rods to maximize heat conduciveness. Heatsinks are mostly made out of aluminum or copper and are important elements of electronic systems.
How to improve heatsink's work?
To improve heat conductivity, the heatsink is pushed to the heated surface. Additionally, it's worth considering using thermal conductive materials such as pastes, Thermo conductive glues, tapes. It's also useful to force air circulation by using a ventilator. With higher overloads, it might be required to spread the heat by using liquids e.g. by cooling liquids or heat pipes.Applications of heatsinks
Heatsinks can be used in electronic systems. They are needed in computers e.g. for processors, amplifiers, and cooling devices. Additionally, they are implemented in mechanical devices, where there is a huge amount of heat generated e.g. in engines.Our catalog includes:
- air heatsinks,
- water heatsinks,
- enclosures and heatsink tools,
- thermally conductive materials (glues, tapes, pastes),
- cooling liquids.