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1. Description

The IVT-S current sensor from Isabellenhuette is a highly precise system for measuring current and other parameters (voltage, temperature, power, energy counting), intended for DC applications, particularly in the automotive sector. The product is based on a modular design and offers flexibility for rapid adaptation to customer requirements in the automotive and industrial sectors.

The current converter offers continuous current measurement up to ±2500 A. For higher current values (peak), the measurement range automatically extends.

The measurement method based on a shunt uses a 16-bit analog-to-digital converter to transform the voltage drop into a digital signal. Communication is based on the CAN 2.0a bus interface. A CAN description file (CAN-dbc) is available, enabling quick system integration.

2. Applications

  • IVT-S is intended for a wide range of DC applications, such as:
  • Hybrid drives and fully electric vehicles
  • Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems
  • Stationary energy storage systems
  • Fuel cells
  • All applications based on batteries and storage

3. Additional Features

  • Shutdown
  • Trigger
  • Cyclic operation

Each channel can be configured individually.

Shutdown Mode

The measurement channel is off. The channel does not respond to software commands or hardware triggering.

Trigger Mode

The module sends a message with the measurement result in response to a received trigger command. This command is a software message.

Cyclic Operation Mode

The module sends a message with the measurement result after the configured cycle time has elapsed.

Example: Current channel cycle time: 10 ms.

Every 10 ms, a message with the measurement result for the current channel is generated and sent via CAN.

4. Measurements Made

Depending on the selected function, up to eight output measurement signals are available. Each signal can be individually configured (speed and value of output transmission). Based on these variants, a large number of applications are possible, such as rapid current measurement, as well as complete filtered measurement of all signals.

Channel Unit
Current A
Voltage 1 V
Voltage 2 V
Voltage 3 V
Temperature °C
Power W
Current Counter As
Power Counter Wh

5. External Dimensions

6. Parameter Selection

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1. Description

The IVT-S current sensor from Isabellenhuette is a highly precise system for measuring current and other parameters (voltage, temperature, power, energy counting), intended for DC applications, particularly in the automotive sector. The product is based on a modular design and offers flexibility for rapid adaptation to customer requirements in the automotive and industrial sectors.

The current converter offers continuous current measurement up to ±2500 A. For higher current values (peak), the measurement range automatically extends.

The measurement method based on a shunt uses a 16-bit analog-to-digital converter to transform the voltage drop into a digital signal. Communication is based on the CAN 2.0a bus interface. A CAN description file (CAN-dbc) is available, enabling quick system integration.

2. Applications

  • IVT-S is intended for a wide range of DC applications, such as:
  • Hybrid drives and fully electric vehicles
  • Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems
  • Stationary energy storage systems
  • Fuel cells
  • All applications based on batteries and storage

3. Additional Features

  • Shutdown
  • Trigger
  • Cyclic operation

Each channel can be configured individually.

Shutdown Mode

The measurement channel is off. The channel does not respond to software commands or hardware triggering.

Trigger Mode

The module sends a message with the measurement result in response to a received trigger command. This command is a software message.

Cyclic Operation Mode

The module sends a message with the measurement result after the configured cycle time has elapsed.

Example: Current channel cycle time: 10 ms.

Every 10 ms, a message with the measurement result for the current channel is generated and sent via CAN.

4. Measurements Made

Depending on the selected function, up to eight output measurement signals are available. Each signal can be individually configured (speed and value of output transmission). Based on these variants, a large number of applications are possible, such as rapid current measurement, as well as complete filtered measurement of all signals.

Channel Unit
Current A
Voltage 1 V
Voltage 2 V
Voltage 3 V
Temperature °C
Power W
Current Counter As
Power Counter Wh

5. External Dimensions

6. Parameter Selection

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