Закалка скорлупы
Закалка скорлупы

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Закалка скорлупы

Shell Tempering

The ammunition industry has been annealing cartridge casings the same way since the start of WWII by utilizing large inefficient open gas flame or conveyor-oven style processing. These methods are highly inefficient, require large amounts of floor space, lack consistency, create excess inventory carry costs, and don’t permit in-process inspections. Today, technology has changed everything — from simple hand weapons to advanced rifle sights — and has had an impact on shell annealing as well.

Induction heating is an easier method for the production of ammunition which does not use pans, torches, revolving wheels or conveyor type ovens. Each and every case is annealed to exacting specifications, reducing variation and damage typically found in mass annealing processes.
See Big Benefits!

Induction annealing systems allow ammunition manufacturers to eliminate excessive part handling and inventory, thus producing less scrap and achieving a higher yield for less cost.

But this is just the beginning of benefits you can enjoy! Our induction annealing systems are able to control case sidewall gradient hardness values more accurately than ever thought possible before.

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Shell Tempering

The ammunition industry has been annealing cartridge casings the same way since the start of WWII by utilizing large inefficient open gas flame or conveyor-oven style processing. These methods are highly inefficient, require large amounts of floor space, lack consistency, create excess inventory carry costs, and don’t permit in-process inspections. Today, technology has changed everything — from simple hand weapons to advanced rifle sights — and has had an impact on shell annealing as well.

Induction heating is an easier method for the production of ammunition which does not use pans, torches, revolving wheels or conveyor type ovens. Each and every case is annealed to exacting specifications, reducing variation and damage typically found in mass annealing processes.
See Big Benefits!

Induction annealing systems allow ammunition manufacturers to eliminate excessive part handling and inventory, thus producing less scrap and achieving a higher yield for less cost.

But this is just the beginning of benefits you can enjoy! Our induction annealing systems are able to control case sidewall gradient hardness values more accurately than ever thought possible before.

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