Индукторы для упрочнения элементов трансмиссии
Индукторы для упрочнения элементов трансмиссии

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Производитель: DACPOL SERVICE

Индукторы для упрочнения элементов трансмиссии

Inductor for hardening transmission system components

In hardening the elements of transmission system (tulip roll track), the precision of the inductor and geometry setting on the quenching machine is crucial in the process.

The precision of the inductor design is very important due to the inability to rotate the heated element during the hardening process (heating 3 treadmills simultaneously).

Appropriate facilities with the support of CNC machines and CAD design ensure a stable process and maintain the hardening field within the assumed tolerance.

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Inductor for hardening transmission system components

In hardening the elements of transmission system (tulip roll track), the precision of the inductor and geometry setting on the quenching machine is crucial in the process.

The precision of the inductor design is very important due to the inability to rotate the heated element during the hardening process (heating 3 treadmills simultaneously).

Appropriate facilities with the support of CNC machines and CAD design ensure a stable process and maintain the hardening field within the assumed tolerance.

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