All renewable sources are a part of so-called green/clean energy - natural, usually easily accessed and cheap if we own a proper technology and a method of extraction.
"Gazele Biznesu" ranking - another success of DACPOL in this passing year 2020
We are proudly announcing that also in this year Dacpol Company was placed in the prestigious “Gazele Biznesu” ranking - 21st edition held by the Puls Biznesu Journal (Business Pulse) for most dynamic small and medium businesses.
Now available – DC/DC converters from PREMIUM
We introduced a novelty to our permanent offer in DACPOL in the category of power supplies and converters and today we deliver our customers DC/DC converters from PREMIUM company
Maintenance and safety
Regular conduction of maintenance and providing safety in the company or production workshop is a key requirement in maintaining proper work of the machines and enterprise.
New release in DACPOL lighting for lathes – Kira covers
We introduce a new product into the DACPOL category of industrial lighting and today we offer KIRA covers for lighting for lathes
Forbes Diamonds 2021
Another consecutive year of DACPOL becoming a laureate of prestige "Forbes Diamonds" 2021.
Linear covers HLL LED - CEAG/Eaton Electric
DACPOL’s offer from the category of lighting for hazardous areas is now complemented with another product - linear covers HLL LED
NH-FV NHL Network Monitor Signal Tower now connects directly to Amazon Web Services (AWS)
NH-FV Network Monitor Signal Towers can now directly connect to Amazon Web Services (AWS) – no external devices or gateways required.
Internet of Things IoT
Internet of things, IoT, is a term describing a network of communicating with each other and people intelligent and learning devices, which through wireless networks connect to the internet and collect data real-time, to later independently make decisions.
Industrial automatic and control systems
Industrial automation is currently one of the most quickly developing industrial sectors and has become an inseparable part of production processes - makes the company’s development process faster, improves systems, increases productivity, preciseness, and decreases production costs.
Thermally conductive materials in power storages
Technological development caused a need in electric engineering to search for new solutions in heat conduction.
DACPOL wśród 'Najcenniejszych firmy rodzinnych' roku 2020
W najnowszym numerze magazynu Forbes ukazał się ranking firm rodzinnych - 'Najcenniejsze firmy rodzinne' w kategorii powyżej 100 mln przychodu w 2018 r.
We present OmniFarm app
We proudly present OmniFarm – digital service allowing easier control of environmental conditions inside the inventory building.
MOSFET transistors
Using silicon carbide (SiC) in MOSFET G3R™ SiC transistors from GeneSiC allows it to acquire unusual levels of work efficiency in high temperatures and increases the device’s reliability.