Kondensator to urządzenie, które występuje w każdym nawet najmniejszym układnie elektronicznym. Zapotrzebowanie na kondensatory jest bardzo duże, dlatego produkuje się je w bilionach sztuk rocznie na całym świecie.
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Dioda prostownicza – jak działa, gdzie się je stosuje, budowa.
Bardzo popularnym rodzajem diod o bardzo szerokim zastosowaniu są diody prostownicze, których zadaniem jest prostowanie prądu przemiennego
Co to jest system HVAC?
HVAC to branża inżynierii sanitarnej zajmująca się ogrzewaniem (heating), wentylacją (ventilation) oraz klimatyzacją (air conditioning) i oznacza zintegrowany system urządzeń z wyżej wymienionych branż.
Types of temperature sensors
We use temperature sensors every day to regulate, for example, the temperature in buildings, to regulate water temperature. Temperature sensors are also needed in many other applications such as consumer, medical and industrial electronics.
Application of ferrite cores in industry
In the industry, the vast majority of equipment is powered by alternating current of varying power and frequency. When we gather a large number of equipment and electrical machines in one room we create the so-called working environment.
Strefa zagrożenia wybuchem gazu
Przy wyznaczaniu stref zagrożonych wybuchem dla gazu ziemnego bardzo ważne jest określenie w jakich warunkach może wystąpić zagrożenie wybuchem oraz jak, w przypadku potencjalnego wybuchu, zminimalizować jego skutki.
Co to jest kondensator elektrolityczny? Budowa, zalety i rodzaje.
Kondensator elektrolityczny to odrębny typ kondensatora, w którym jedna z elektrod jest elektrolitem, a druga jest metalowa (aluminiowa, tantalowa lub niobowa).
Hydrogen fuel cells
Technological development and changes in the global industry force a constant need to look for new sources of energy. When it comes to batteries, the emphasis is now not only on high efficiency, capacity and efficiency, but also on ecology and the ability to work in various conditions.
Industrial pressure sensors - principle of operation, types and application
Pressure is one of the basic measurements performed in the vast majority of industrial and manufacturing facilities.
Measuring power and energy in electric circuits
Power meters and network parameter analyzers are intended for identifying anomalies of power supply in single-phase or triple-phase networks. They enable power and energy analysis, and also quality control of electrical power.
EX zones - requirements, regulations, standards
Ze względu na fakt, że substancji potencjalnie wybuchowych jest stosunkowo dużo to urządzenia – w szczególności elektryczne – które są przeznaczone do pracy w takich warunkach podlegają określonym wymaganiom
Humidity sensors - principle of operation, installation
Humidity is the presence of water in the air. The amount of water vapour in the air can affect human comfort as well as many industrial production processes. The presence of water vapour also affects various physical, chemical and biological processes.
Датчик аммиака DOL 53
DOL 53 ammonia sensor In 2016, DOL 53 won a silver medal at the Innovation Award at EuroTier, which is the world’s leading trade fair for animal production. The competition is judged by an independent international committee of recognized consultants, scientists and practitioners appointed by the DLG (German Agricultural Society). Scientists from The Department of Poultry Science at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the University of Georgia completed a total of four...
Hazardous areas & explosive atmospheres - basic principles
The subject of explosion protection is described by a specific set of terms and definitions that have been permanently included in the process safety dictionary. Based on EU directives, standards and relevant regulations, a list of terms that are commonly used to characterize hazards in Ex zones has been created. The list is interdisciplinary and reflects the complexity of the proces safety issue.
SiC MOSFET Power Switches Control
SiC MOSFET Power Switches can be controlled with a full range of SCALE Gate Drivers
Industrial communication in explosion hazardous areas (with MTL components)
Cable Ethernet is currently the most popular type used by companies. MTL wireless technology allows building reliable and safe systems, which can use standard connection and protocols, thus providing flexibility and decreasing storage costs. MTL offers a wide range of elements from wireless solutions: from simple replacement of the wire in sensors up to extensive 802.11 networks in explosion hazard areas.
Alternative energy sources
All renewable sources are a part of so-called green/clean energy - natural, usually easily accessed and cheap if we own a proper technology and a method of extraction.
Industrial batteries and how to manage their operation
In order to increase the efficiency and protect the batteries from harsh operating conditions, so-called battery management systems are used.