Фотоэлектрические дисплеи
Фотоэлектрические дисплеи

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Производитель: ELEN

Фотоэлектрические дисплеи

Energy from sunlight two-line

Height of digits 12 cm
Power supply 230V AC
Power consumption max. 50VA
Display LED, colour red
Dimensions 650 x 410 x 140 mm
Weight ok. 8kg
Mounting wall mounting
Enclosure powder coated aluminum
Control system RS 485 serial with the controller photovoltaics

Energy from sunlight three linage

Height of digits 57 mm
Power supply 230V AC
Power consumption max. 30VA
Display LED, colour red
Dimensions 500 x 300 x 140 mm
Weight ok. 5kg
Mounting wall mounting
Enclosure powder coated aluminum
Control system RS 485 serial with the controller photovoltaics

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Energy from sunlight two-line

Height of digits 12 cm
Power supply 230V AC
Power consumption max. 50VA
Display LED, colour red
Dimensions 650 x 410 x 140 mm
Weight ok. 8kg
Mounting wall mounting
Enclosure powder coated aluminum
Control system RS 485 serial with the controller photovoltaics

Energy from sunlight three linage

Height of digits 57 mm
Power supply 230V AC
Power consumption max. 30VA
Display LED, colour red
Dimensions 500 x 300 x 140 mm
Weight ok. 5kg
Mounting wall mounting
Enclosure powder coated aluminum
Control system RS 485 serial with the controller photovoltaics
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