Графитовые пленки
Графитовые пленки

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Производитель: Kerafol

Графитовые пленки

  • толщина стен
  • Rth (K/W)

Graphite films

Graphite Films are based on 100% pure graphite. The films are available as uncoated types and, for specific applications, with filled adhesive or standard adhesives. Due to their high thermal conductivity they are used in the CPU sectors for example.

Product features
  • Electrical conductivity
  • High thermal conductivity

  • 490 x 490 mm (S 900)
  • 500 x 1000 mm (90/10)
Rolls: 500 mm wide
Custom dimensions on request.

Technical data

Material   Thermal conductivity Thermal resistance Breakdown voltage Thickness* Hardness
W/mK K/W kV mm Shore D
S 900 Highly densed graphite film 7.5 0.08 No insulation 0.15 - 0.29 25-35
90/10 Graphite film 5.5 0.09 No insulation 0.15, 2.0 25-35

(*) Parameters for bolded values.

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  • толщина стен
  • Rth (K/W)

Graphite films

Graphite Films are based on 100% pure graphite. The films are available as uncoated types and, for specific applications, with filled adhesive or standard adhesives. Due to their high thermal conductivity they are used in the CPU sectors for example.

Product features
  • Electrical conductivity
  • High thermal conductivity

  • 490 x 490 mm (S 900)
  • 500 x 1000 mm (90/10)
Rolls: 500 mm wide
Custom dimensions on request.

Technical data

Material   Thermal conductivity Thermal resistance Breakdown voltage Thickness* Hardness
W/mK K/W kV mm Shore D
S 900 Highly densed graphite film 7.5 0.08 No insulation 0.15 - 0.29 25-35
90/10 Graphite film 5.5 0.09 No insulation 0.15, 2.0 25-35

(*) Parameters for bolded values.

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