Настраиваемый преобразователь напряжения ENA ECVC
Настраиваемый преобразователь напряжения ENA ECVC

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Производитель: Sisel

Настраиваемый преобразователь напряжения ENA ECVC

ENDA ECVC Configurable Voltage Converter

  • 0-100V AC/DC 0-500V AC/DC input
  • Measuring type can be selected as AC, DC or True RMS.
  • Configurable mAand V outputs.
  • Three-way isolation between Input, output and power supply.
  • Communication feature over RTU (Optional).
  • Rail mounted.
  • With screw-terminal connections.
  • CE marked according to European Norms.

Technical data

Inputs 0-100V AC/DC ( Device may be damaged at ±500V DC and above voltages)
0-500V AC/DC (Device may be damaged at ±1250V DC and above voltages)
Input Impedances For 0-100V AC/DC input : 176.8kΩ.
For 0-500V AC/DC input : 884kΩ
Frequency Range AC , 10Hz - 200Hz (10Hz-70Hz for squarewave form)
Sampling Duration 250ms
A/D Converter 12 bit
D/AConverter 12 bit
Output 0-20mADC, 4-20mADC, 0-10V DC or 1-5V DC selectable.
(Load resistance for current outputs up to 500Ω)
Accuracy For AC : ±%1 (±%2 For square wave form)
For DC : ±%1
For RMS : ±%1 (±%2 For square wave form)
Supply For ECVC-UV : 90-250V AC, 50/60Hz
For ECVC-LV : 9-30V DC or 7-24V AC, 50/60Hz
Power Consumption Max. 7 VA
Connection 2,5mm² Screw-terminal connections.
EMC EN 61326-1: 2006
Security Requirements EN 61010-1: 2010 (Pollution degree 2, overvoltage category II)
Isolation T est Voltage For 3kV AC, at 1 minute min.. For 4,2kV DC, at 1 minute min..

Pin and diagrams

ENDA ECVC Configurable Voltage Converter

ENDA ECVC Configurable Voltage Converter

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ENDA ECVC Configurable Voltage Converter

  • 0-100V AC/DC 0-500V AC/DC input
  • Measuring type can be selected as AC, DC or True RMS.
  • Configurable mAand V outputs.
  • Three-way isolation between Input, output and power supply.
  • Communication feature over RTU (Optional).
  • Rail mounted.
  • With screw-terminal connections.
  • CE marked according to European Norms.

Technical data

Inputs 0-100V AC/DC ( Device may be damaged at ±500V DC and above voltages)
0-500V AC/DC (Device may be damaged at ±1250V DC and above voltages)
Input Impedances For 0-100V AC/DC input : 176.8kΩ.
For 0-500V AC/DC input : 884kΩ
Frequency Range AC , 10Hz - 200Hz (10Hz-70Hz for squarewave form)
Sampling Duration 250ms
A/D Converter 12 bit
D/AConverter 12 bit
Output 0-20mADC, 4-20mADC, 0-10V DC or 1-5V DC selectable.
(Load resistance for current outputs up to 500Ω)
Accuracy For AC : ±%1 (±%2 For square wave form)
For DC : ±%1
For RMS : ±%1 (±%2 For square wave form)
Supply For ECVC-UV : 90-250V AC, 50/60Hz
For ECVC-LV : 9-30V DC or 7-24V AC, 50/60Hz
Power Consumption Max. 7 VA
Connection 2,5mm² Screw-terminal connections.
EMC EN 61326-1: 2006
Security Requirements EN 61010-1: 2010 (Pollution degree 2, overvoltage category II)
Isolation T est Voltage For 3kV AC, at 1 minute min.. For 4,2kV DC, at 1 minute min..

Pin and diagrams

ENDA ECVC Configurable Voltage Converter

ENDA ECVC Configurable Voltage Converter
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