Индукторы для ТЭНов перед наклеиванием
Индукторы для ТЭНов перед наклеиванием

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Производитель: DACPOL SERVICE

Индукторы для ТЭНов перед наклеиванием

Inductor for heating elements before gluing

The inductor for heating elements before gluing is used by the production of nails on the tape.

Heating steel elements - nails, on the production line ensure, that they are glued to the adhesive tape. High precision of the inductors position to the heated elements is required.

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Inductor for heating elements before gluing

The inductor for heating elements before gluing is used by the production of nails on the tape.

Heating steel elements - nails, on the production line ensure, that they are glued to the adhesive tape. High precision of the inductors position to the heated elements is required.

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