Полиэтиленовые трубы (LLDPE) (метрическая и дюйм)
Полиэтиленовые трубы (LLDPE) (метрическая и дюйм)
Полиэтиленовые трубы (LLDPE) (метрическая и дюйм)

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Производитель: John-Guest

Полиэтиленовые трубы (LLDPE) (метрическая и дюйм)

Plastic pipes offered by John Guest well successfully tested in many applications through many years.They are temperature, pressure, vibration, shocks, corrosion and ageing processes resistant. They are also not heavy. They are great to use with John Guest fast pipe connectors. They are great for air and liquid application.

Technical data: Pressure range depending on operation temperature.

external pipe diameter   internal pipe diametr external pipe diameter   internal pipe diametr external pipe diameter   internal pipe diametr external pipe diameter   external pipe diameter
1/4” X 0,170” 1/2” X 0,375” 15 mm X 11,5 mm 22 mm X 17,7 mm
5/16” X 0,187” 10 mm X 7 mm            
3/8” X 0,25” 12 mm X 9 mm            
4 mm X 2,5 mm                  
6 mm X 4 mm                  
8 mm X 6 mm                  
15 bar - 20°C 10 bar - 20°C max. 8 bar-  20 °C Material LDPE max. 6 bar-  20 °C Material LDPE
8 bar - 65°C 6 bar - 65°C

Pipe tolerance (External diameter)
0 1/4”-0 1/2” +0.03/-0,10 mm
04 mm-0 6 mm +0,05/-0,07 mm
0 8 mm-0 12 mm +0,05/-0,10 mm
0 15 mm ±0,10 mm
0 22 mm ±0,15 mm
Article number External diameter [mm] Internal diameter [mm] Packing unit [m] Min bending radius [mm]
PE-04025-100M-N 4 2,5 100 25
PE-0604-100M-N 6 4 100 25
PE-0806-100M-N 8 6 100 29
PE-1007-100M-N 10 7 100 32
PE-1209-100M-N 12 9 100 63
PE-15115-050M-B* (LDPE) 15 11,5 50 85
PE-22177-050M-E** (LDPE) 22 17,7 50 150

Different colours on request:
* only B = blue R = red G = green E = black
** only B = black E - black

Inch dimensions

nr art. External diameter  [Inch] Internal diameter. [Inch] Packing unit[m] Min bending radius [mm]
PE-0S-BI-0500F-N 1/4” (6,35) 4,3 150 25
PE-10-C1-0500 F-N 5/16" (8,00) 5,0 150 29
PE-12-EI-0500F-N 3/8" (9,50) 6.3 150 32
PE-1G-GI-02SOF-N 1/2" (12,70) 9,5 75 63
Different colours for request,  N = natural (series) B = blue R = red E = black Y = yellow

Pipe clamping ring
Pipe clipper
article number external pipe diameter article number external pipe diameter
JG-RK6 6 JG-RK 8 8
JG-RK 10 10 JG-RK 12 12
JG-RK 15 15 JG-RK 18 18
JG-RK 22 22 JG-RK 28 28
external pipe diameter
TS-NIP 04-12 mm
BLADES (1 pce in package)

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Plastic pipes offered by John Guest well successfully tested in many applications through many years.They are temperature, pressure, vibration, shocks, corrosion and ageing processes resistant. They are also not heavy. They are great to use with John Guest fast pipe connectors. They are great for air and liquid application.

Technical data: Pressure range depending on operation temperature.

external pipe diameter   internal pipe diametr external pipe diameter   internal pipe diametr external pipe diameter   internal pipe diametr external pipe diameter   external pipe diameter
1/4” X 0,170” 1/2” X 0,375” 15 mm X 11,5 mm 22 mm X 17,7 mm
5/16” X 0,187” 10 mm X 7 mm            
3/8” X 0,25” 12 mm X 9 mm            
4 mm X 2,5 mm                  
6 mm X 4 mm                  
8 mm X 6 mm                  
15 bar - 20°C 10 bar - 20°C max. 8 bar-  20 °C Material LDPE max. 6 bar-  20 °C Material LDPE
8 bar - 65°C 6 bar - 65°C

Pipe tolerance (External diameter)
0 1/4”-0 1/2” +0.03/-0,10 mm
04 mm-0 6 mm +0,05/-0,07 mm
0 8 mm-0 12 mm +0,05/-0,10 mm
0 15 mm ±0,10 mm
0 22 mm ±0,15 mm
Article number External diameter [mm] Internal diameter [mm] Packing unit [m] Min bending radius [mm]
PE-04025-100M-N 4 2,5 100 25
PE-0604-100M-N 6 4 100 25
PE-0806-100M-N 8 6 100 29
PE-1007-100M-N 10 7 100 32
PE-1209-100M-N 12 9 100 63
PE-15115-050M-B* (LDPE) 15 11,5 50 85
PE-22177-050M-E** (LDPE) 22 17,7 50 150

Different colours on request:
* only B = blue R = red G = green E = black
** only B = black E - black

Inch dimensions

nr art. External diameter  [Inch] Internal diameter. [Inch] Packing unit[m] Min bending radius [mm]
PE-0S-BI-0500F-N 1/4” (6,35) 4,3 150 25
PE-10-C1-0500 F-N 5/16" (8,00) 5,0 150 29
PE-12-EI-0500F-N 3/8" (9,50) 6.3 150 32
PE-1G-GI-02SOF-N 1/2" (12,70) 9,5 75 63
Different colours for request,  N = natural (series) B = blue R = red E = black Y = yellow

Pipe clamping ring
Pipe clipper
article number external pipe diameter article number external pipe diameter
JG-RK6 6 JG-RK 8 8
JG-RK 10 10 JG-RK 12 12
JG-RK 15 15 JG-RK 18 18
JG-RK 22 22 JG-RK 28 28
external pipe diameter
TS-NIP 04-12 mm
BLADES (1 pce in package)
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