Pro-Flex 3 и 4-фаз, DIN-рейку Установка
Pro-Flex 3 и 4-фаз, DIN-рейку Установка

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Производитель: GMC-I PROSyS

Pro-Flex 3 и 4-фаз, DIN-рейку Установка

3-phase and 4-phase Rogowski coils PRO ~ flex to measure AC currents Model DRP 503_1 / 18

DRP a 3 and 4 Phase Flexible AC current Probe utilising the Rogowski principle, with 3 or 4 channel integrator housed in DIN Rail Mounted Enclosure. The flexible and lightweight measuring head allows quick and easy installation in hard to reach areas and with large conductors.

Electrical Characteristics
Current Range : 500A ACRMS
Output Sensitivity (AC coupled) .. : 0.666mV/A (0.333V @ 500A)
Accuracy (45 - 65Hz) : ± 1% of reading  ± 1A 
Load Impedance 100kΩ minimum
Linearity (10% to 100% of range)) : ± 0.2% of reading
Bandwidth (-1dB) : 10Hz do 10kHz
Phase Error (45 – 65Hz) : ± <1º
Temperature Coefficient : ± 0.1% of reading  / °C
Position Sensitivity : ± 2% of reading
Power Supply : zewnętrzne (12V / 100mA)
Working Voltage (see Safety Standards section) : 1000V AC RMS lub DC (Probe)
  : 30V max (Output)
General Characteristics
Probe Material : Alcryn 2070 NC LATENE 7H2W V0
Probe Cable Length : 450mm
Cable Diameter : 0.9mm
Cable Length (Probe to Integrator box) : 5m 
Operating Temperature Range : -20 do +70°C 
Storage Temperature Range : -40 do +75°C 
Operating Humidity : 15% to 85% (non condensing)
Degree of protection : IP65 Probe
Colour RAL 120 70 75 Lemongreen

Safety Standards
EN 61010-1:2001
EN 61010-031:2002
EN 61010-2-032:2002

1000 VRMS, III Category, 600 VRMS, IV Category,
Pollution Degree 2 (Probe and Integrator)

Use of the probe on uninsulated conductors is limited to 1000 V AC RMS or DC and frequencies below 1 kHz.

EMC Standards

EN 61326-2-2:2006
Dimensions [mm]

PRO-flex 3 i 4-fazowe, montaż na szynę DIN wymiary

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3-phase and 4-phase Rogowski coils PRO ~ flex to measure AC currents Model DRP 503_1 / 18

DRP a 3 and 4 Phase Flexible AC current Probe utilising the Rogowski principle, with 3 or 4 channel integrator housed in DIN Rail Mounted Enclosure. The flexible and lightweight measuring head allows quick and easy installation in hard to reach areas and with large conductors.

Electrical Characteristics
Current Range : 500A ACRMS
Output Sensitivity (AC coupled) .. : 0.666mV/A (0.333V @ 500A)
Accuracy (45 - 65Hz) : ± 1% of reading  ± 1A 
Load Impedance 100kΩ minimum
Linearity (10% to 100% of range)) : ± 0.2% of reading
Bandwidth (-1dB) : 10Hz do 10kHz
Phase Error (45 – 65Hz) : ± <1º
Temperature Coefficient : ± 0.1% of reading  / °C
Position Sensitivity : ± 2% of reading
Power Supply : zewnętrzne (12V / 100mA)
Working Voltage (see Safety Standards section) : 1000V AC RMS lub DC (Probe)
  : 30V max (Output)
General Characteristics
Probe Material : Alcryn 2070 NC LATENE 7H2W V0
Probe Cable Length : 450mm
Cable Diameter : 0.9mm
Cable Length (Probe to Integrator box) : 5m 
Operating Temperature Range : -20 do +70°C 
Storage Temperature Range : -40 do +75°C 
Operating Humidity : 15% to 85% (non condensing)
Degree of protection : IP65 Probe
Colour RAL 120 70 75 Lemongreen

Safety Standards
EN 61010-1:2001
EN 61010-031:2002
EN 61010-2-032:2002

1000 VRMS, III Category, 600 VRMS, IV Category,
Pollution Degree 2 (Probe and Integrator)

Use of the probe on uninsulated conductors is limited to 1000 V AC RMS or DC and frequencies below 1 kHz.

EMC Standards

EN 61326-2-2:2006
Dimensions [mm]

PRO-flex 3 i 4-fazowe, montaż na szynę DIN wymiary

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