Температурный контроллер с панелью HMI
Температурный контроллер с панелью HMI

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Производитель: Sisel

Температурный контроллер с панелью HMI

Temperature controller with HMI panel - ENDA MT6050iP

HMI touch panel is combined with temperature controller. Based on the functionality of ENDA brand controller, we offer control using graphical and touch capabilities of HMI panels.

An example function is a combination of a temperature controller with a time relay. Then we get the possibility of controlling the switched temperature in the set time. This is only a sample application, it is possible to use many others that we need.

To complete the appropriate set, we need information on what functions the set should have and whether the operator should be able to change and regulate the settings. Then the possibility of proposing an optimal set is verified.

In the case of the need for multiple sets - the software is included in the price of the hardware, jointly determining its functionality accordingly.

It is possible to make an electrical box containing the relevant components, such as:

  • HMI panel + software;
  • Temperature regulator;
  • Dedicated temperature sensors;
  • Suitable power supply;
  • Dedicated actuators (relays, SSR, power regulators)

Such a box will have the appropriate connections to integrate it into a station, furnace or machine.

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Temperature controller with HMI panel - ENDA MT6050iP

HMI touch panel is combined with temperature controller. Based on the functionality of ENDA brand controller, we offer control using graphical and touch capabilities of HMI panels.

An example function is a combination of a temperature controller with a time relay. Then we get the possibility of controlling the switched temperature in the set time. This is only a sample application, it is possible to use many others that we need.

To complete the appropriate set, we need information on what functions the set should have and whether the operator should be able to change and regulate the settings. Then the possibility of proposing an optimal set is verified.

In the case of the need for multiple sets - the software is included in the price of the hardware, jointly determining its functionality accordingly.

It is possible to make an electrical box containing the relevant components, such as:

  • HMI panel + software;
  • Temperature regulator;
  • Dedicated temperature sensors;
  • Suitable power supply;
  • Dedicated actuators (relays, SSR, power regulators)

Such a box will have the appropriate connections to integrate it into a station, furnace or machine.

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