Регуляторы мощности и температуры
Регуляторы мощности и температуры

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Производитель: Crydom

Регуляторы мощности и температуры

MCPC controllers consist of phase controller and semiconductor relay in standard casing. They can be controlled by voltage, current or by potentiometer. MCPC controllers allow to regulate power from 0 to 100%

General parameters
Dielectric withstand 50/60 Hz, Input / Input / Metal casing
4000 Vrms
Insulation resistance 500 Vdc
109 Ohm
Max capacity I/O
10 pF
Operation temperature range
20 - 80 °C
Storage temperature range
40 - 125 °C

Mechanical parameters
Weight 86,5g
Casing material
Thermo conducting resin

Output parameter  
24 48
Operation voltage (47-63 Hz) [Vrms]
180-280 300-530
600 1200
Leakage current [mA]
7 12
Power coefficient
0,5 0,5
Voltage drop
1,6 1,6
25 A 50 A 90 A
Max Load current [Arms]
25 50 90
Min Load current[mArms]
150 150 150
Max test current(16,6ms) [Apk]
250 625 1200
Terminal/casing thermal resistance [°C/W]
1,02 0,63 0,28
I2t (8,3msec.) [A2s]
260 1620 6000

Output parameters
  Minimum Typowe Maksimum
Power supply [Vdc] [P1]
8 12 lub 24 32
Input power [mA]
28   30
Control signal range - option A [Vdc]
0,8   5
Control signal range - option B [Vdc]
1   7
Control signal range - option C [Vdc]
2   10
Control signal range - option  D [mA]
4   20
Input impedance. Option A,B,C [Ω] P4
Input impedance. Option. D [Ω] P4


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MCPC controllers consist of phase controller and semiconductor relay in standard casing. They can be controlled by voltage, current or by potentiometer. MCPC controllers allow to regulate power from 0 to 100%

General parameters
Dielectric withstand 50/60 Hz, Input / Input / Metal casing
4000 Vrms
Insulation resistance 500 Vdc
109 Ohm
Max capacity I/O
10 pF
Operation temperature range
20 - 80 °C
Storage temperature range
40 - 125 °C

Mechanical parameters
Weight 86,5g
Casing material
Thermo conducting resin

Output parameter  
24 48
Operation voltage (47-63 Hz) [Vrms]
180-280 300-530
600 1200
Leakage current [mA]
7 12
Power coefficient
0,5 0,5
Voltage drop
1,6 1,6
25 A 50 A 90 A
Max Load current [Arms]
25 50 90
Min Load current[mArms]
150 150 150
Max test current(16,6ms) [Apk]
250 625 1200
Terminal/casing thermal resistance [°C/W]
1,02 0,63 0,28
I2t (8,3msec.) [A2s]
260 1620 6000

Output parameters
  Minimum Typowe Maksimum
Power supply [Vdc] [P1]
8 12 lub 24 32
Input power [mA]
28   30
Control signal range - option A [Vdc]
0,8   5
Control signal range - option B [Vdc]
1   7
Control signal range - option C [Vdc]
2   10
Control signal range - option  D [mA]
4   20
Input impedance. Option A,B,C [Ω] P4
Input impedance. Option. D [Ω] P4


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