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Производитель: Danotherm


Type Pn [W] at 40°C Max Temp °C R [Ω] min-max Pulse Load [W] Ambient Temperature 40°C, 120s cycle
1-second Duty Cycle 5-second Duty Cycle 10-second Duty Cycle 20-second Duty Cycle 40-second Duty Cycle
CCH110 100 260 2 - 1000 2500 1150 800 540 295
ССН166 160 265 4 - 1200 5700 2380 1600 930 470
ССН216 200 275 5 - 1500 10500 3760 2350 1180 590
ССН270 260 280 9 - 1700 14200 5050 3080 1540 770
ССН320 300 285 10 -2000 18600 6320 3550 1780 890
ССН420 390 295 13 - 2000 24700 8390 4590 2290 1160
ССН520 480 305 16 - 2000 30300 9710 5760 2880 1440
ССН620 570 315 20 - 2000 38100 11900 6890 3440 1720
CCH with Built-in Thermal Switch
ССН145 СТ 80 210 2 - 1000 2540 1210 850 580 345
ССН201 СТ 120 215 4 - 1200 5780 2480 1690 920 460
ССН251 СТ 160 220 5 - 1500 10600 3940 2280 1140 570
ССН305 СТ 200 225 9 - 1700 14500 5220 2820 1410 700
ССН355 СТ 230 230 10 - 2000 19100 6550 3280 1640 820
ССН455 СТ 300 235 13 - 2000 25300 8310 4150 2080 1040
ССН555 СТ 370 245 16 - 2000 30900 10000 5170 2590 1290

Design and Key Features

  • Approved by UL
  • Compact dimensions
  • Nominal power range: 60W – 1045W
  • Energy levels from 2kJ – 60kJ (5s duty cycle, 120s cycle), depending on resistance values
  • Aluminum housing for high IP rating
  • IP50-IP65
  • Nickel-chromium alloy 8020 for low thermal drift
  • Mica insulation for high dielectric strength
  • MgO or SiO2 filling for high thermal capacity/overload capability
  • Low surface temperature
  • Low noise level
  • High vibration resistance
  • Thermally expandable mounting feet (CAR type)
  • Optional thermal switch for thermal protection
  • 300mm lead with sleeved or potted connection up to 10 mm2
  • Customizable for customer needs and applications (available OEM versions)

Wiring Connection CAH/CAV/CAR

Type Pn [W] at 40°C Max Temp °C R [Ω] min-max Impulse Load [W] Ambient Temp 40°C, 120s cycle
1 Second Duty Cycle 5 Second Duty Cycle 10 Second Duty Cycle 20 Second Duty Cycle 40 Second Duty Cycle
CAH / CAV 120C 55 260 0,15 - 300 1070 410 320 240 170
CAH / CAV 150C 65 260 0,3 - 600 2420 820 600 435 255
CAH / CAV 165 C 75 265 0,3 - 800 3630 1120 780 540 285
CAH/CAV 210C 100 270 0,6- 1200 7030 1800 1120 750 375
CAH / CAV 240 C 120 275 0,7 - 1500 9530 2350 1440 850 435
CAH / CAV 300 C 155 290 1-1200 12800 3150 1920 1100 550
CAH / CAV 360 C 190 305 1,2 - 2500 16700 4080 2460 1320 660
CAR 85 C 110 260 0,1 -300 1090 420 330 250 180
CAR 115C 155 265 0,25 -600 2480 860 640 470 330
CAR 130 C 175 265 0,3 - 800 3750 1170 830 600 405
CAR 1750 C 240 275 0,5 - 1200 7420 1910 1230 830 570
CAR 205 C 280 285 0,7 - 1400 10200 2540 1590 1050 700
CAR 265 C 367 300 1,0 - 2000 13800 3460 2140 1420 940
CAR 325 C 450 320 1,2-2500 18100 4460 2750 1810 1170

Wiring and Junction Box Connection with and without Thermal Switch

Type Pn [W] at 40°C Max Temp °C R [Ω] min-max Impulse Load [W] Ambient Temp 40°C, Cycle 120s
1 Second Duty 5 Seconds Duty 10 Seconds Duty 20 Seconds Duty 40 Seconds Duty
CAH / CAV 145 CT 42 230 0,15 - 300 1070 410 320 240 170
CAH/CAV 175 CT 50 230 0,3 - 600 2420 820 600 435 255
CAH / CAV 190 CT 57 230 0,3 - 800 3630 1120 780 540 285
CAH / CAV 235 CT 76 230 0,6- 1200 7030 1800 1120 750 375
CAH / CAV 265 CT 92 240 0,7 - 1500 9530 2350 1440 850 435
CAH/CAV 325 CT 118 250 1 - 1200 12800 3150 1920 1100 550
CAH / CAV 385 CT 145 270 1,2 - 2500 16700 4080 2460 1320 660
CAR 110 CT/K/DT 100 260 0,1 - 300 1090 420 330 250 180
CAR 140 CT/K/DT 125 270 0,25 - 600 2480 860 640 470 330
CAR 155 CT/K/DT 130 272 0,3 - 800 3750 1170 830 600 405
CAR 200 CT/K/DT 165 265 0,5 - 1200 7420 1910 1230 830 570
CAR 230 CT/K/DT 190 265 0,7 - 1400 10200 2540 1590 1050 700
CAR 290 CT/K/DT 230 268 1,0-2000 13800 3460 2140 1420 940
CAR 350 CT/K/DT 275 270 1,2 - 2500 18100 4460 2750 1810 1170

*Impulse ranges for short pulses depend on the resistance values. Resistors with lower resistance values have more current than resistors with higher resistance values. The ranges in this table refer to resistors around 40Ω.

CCR-V Wiring Connection

Type Pn [W] at 40°C Max Temp °C R [Ω] min-max Impulse Load [kW] Ambient Temp 40°C, Cycle 120s
1 Second Duty 5 Seconds Duty 10 Seconds Duty 20 Seconds Duty 40 Seconds Duty
CCR-V 1 16C 185 250 2 - 1000 2,2 1 0,7 0,5 0,4
CCR-V 172 C 260 250 4- 1200 4,7 2,1 1,5 1 0,7
CCR-V 222 C 330 255 6- 1500 7,1 3,1 2,2 1,5 1
CCR-V 276 C 400 260 9-1700 10,8 5,1 3,5 2,3 1,4
CCR-V 326 C 500 265 10 -2000 18,1 7,4 4,9 3,1 1,7
CCR-V 426 C 635 275 13 - 2000 29,7 11,1 7 4,3 2,3
CCR-V 526 C 815 285 16 - 2000 30,6 12 7,7 4,8 2,9

Wiring Connection with Thermal Switch

Type Pn [W] at 40°C Max Temp °C R [Ω] min-max Impulse Load [kW] Ambient Temp 40°C, Cycle 120s
1 Second Duty 5 Seconds Duty 10 Seconds Duty 20 Seconds Duty 40 Seconds Duty
CCR-V 135 CT 140 230 2 - 1000 2,2 1 0,7 0,5 0,4
CCR-V 191 CT 190 250 4- 1200 4,7 2,1 1,5 1 0,7
CCR-V 241 CT 250 255 6- 1500 7,1 3,2 2,2 1,5 0,9
CCR-V 295 CT 300 260 9-1700 13,8 5,9 3,9 2,2 1,1
CCR-V 345 CT 380 265 10 -2000 18,3 7,5 4,9 2,8 1,4
CCR-V 445 CT 480 275 13 - 2000 29,7 11,1 7 3,5 1,8
CCR-V 545 CT 620 285 16- 2000 17,8 7,1 4,7 2,9 1,9
CCR-V 645 CT 790 290 20 - 2000 40,6 15,9 10,5 6,6 4,1

Box Connection with Thermal Switch

Type Pn [W] at 40°C Max Temp °C R [Ω] min-max Impulse Load [kW] Ambient Temp 40°C, Cycle 120s
1 Second Duty 5 Seconds Duty 10 Seconds Duty 20 Seconds Duty 40 Seconds Duty
CCR-V 135 B/D T 140 230 2 - 1000 2,2 1 0,7 0,5 0,4
CCR-V 191 B/D T 190 250 4- 1200 4,7 2.1 1,5 1 0,7
CCR-V 241 B/D T 250 255 6- 1500 7,1 3.2 2,2 1,5 0,9
CCR-V 295 B/D T 300 260 9- 1700 13,8 5.9 3,9 2,2 1,1
CCR-V 345 B/D T 380 265 10- 2000 18,3 7.5 4,9 2,8 1,4
CCR-V 445 B/D T 480 275 13 - 2000 29,7 11.1 7 3,5 1,8
CCR-V 545 B/D T 620 285 16 - 2000 17,8 7,1 4,7 2,9 1,9
CCR-V 645 B/D T 790 290 20 - 2000 40,6 15,9 10,5 6,6 4,1

General Specification

Temperature Coefficient 100 ppm/K
Dielectric Strength 3500 VAC at 1 minute
Insulation Resistance > 20MΩ / casing
Overload at one-second pulse per hour 10 - 100 x (depending on the resistor)
Overload at five-second pulse per hour 4 - 25 x (depending on the resistor)
Environment - 40 °C / +70 °C
Value loss in wired version Linear: 40°C = Pn to 70°C = 0.85 * Pn
Value loss in TW 200°C version Linear: 40°C = Pn to 70°C = 0.65 * Pn
Value loss in vertical mounting No loss
Value loss in horizontal mounting 0.8 * Pn
Value loss at high altitudes 1000m No loss
1500m 0.94 * Pn
3000m 0.82 * Pn
Installation Instructions A distance of 200mm to the nearest component is recommended to prevent heating of adjacent elements.
If two or more braking resistors are mounted side by side, a distance of 400mm between them should be maintained. If closer, the rated power should be reduced.
Cooling The rated power of resistors refers to passive, air-cooled conditions.
Vibrations According to EN 60068-2-6Frequency range 1-100HzAcceleration/amplitude
1 - 13 Hz ± 1mm
13 - 100 Hz at ± 0.7G
Corrosion Resistance According to IEC 60721-3-3/3K3 (C2 medium)200h cyclic salt mist IEC 60068-2-52
Connection Recommendations To minimize EMC interference, the use of shields is recommended, especially with any PWM.
Resistance Tolerance ± 10% (optional 5%)
Operating Voltage Standard UL: 600VAC / 850VDC ; IEC: 690VAC / 975VDC
Resistor Heating Time Constant 1000s
Thermal Switch (optional) Thermal Switch 130 / 160 / 180 / 200 °C. 2A. 250 VAC NC
Minimum Voltage 2V
Minimum Current 10mA
Rated Current/Voltage 2.5A @ 250VAC cos ʕ=1
Dielectric Voltage 2000VAC (3500VAC between TS and R)
Temperature Requirements for Cables IP 21 80°C
IP 65 90°C

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Type Pn [W] at 40°C Max Temp °C R [Ω] min-max Pulse Load [W] Ambient Temperature 40°C, 120s cycle
1-second Duty Cycle 5-second Duty Cycle 10-second Duty Cycle 20-second Duty Cycle 40-second Duty Cycle
CCH110 100 260 2 - 1000 2500 1150 800 540 295
ССН166 160 265 4 - 1200 5700 2380 1600 930 470
ССН216 200 275 5 - 1500 10500 3760 2350 1180 590
ССН270 260 280 9 - 1700 14200 5050 3080 1540 770
ССН320 300 285 10 -2000 18600 6320 3550 1780 890
ССН420 390 295 13 - 2000 24700 8390 4590 2290 1160
ССН520 480 305 16 - 2000 30300 9710 5760 2880 1440
ССН620 570 315 20 - 2000 38100 11900 6890 3440 1720
CCH with Built-in Thermal Switch
ССН145 СТ 80 210 2 - 1000 2540 1210 850 580 345
ССН201 СТ 120 215 4 - 1200 5780 2480 1690 920 460
ССН251 СТ 160 220 5 - 1500 10600 3940 2280 1140 570
ССН305 СТ 200 225 9 - 1700 14500 5220 2820 1410 700
ССН355 СТ 230 230 10 - 2000 19100 6550 3280 1640 820
ССН455 СТ 300 235 13 - 2000 25300 8310 4150 2080 1040
ССН555 СТ 370 245 16 - 2000 30900 10000 5170 2590 1290

Design and Key Features

  • Approved by UL
  • Compact dimensions
  • Nominal power range: 60W – 1045W
  • Energy levels from 2kJ – 60kJ (5s duty cycle, 120s cycle), depending on resistance values
  • Aluminum housing for high IP rating
  • IP50-IP65
  • Nickel-chromium alloy 8020 for low thermal drift
  • Mica insulation for high dielectric strength
  • MgO or SiO2 filling for high thermal capacity/overload capability
  • Low surface temperature
  • Low noise level
  • High vibration resistance
  • Thermally expandable mounting feet (CAR type)
  • Optional thermal switch for thermal protection
  • 300mm lead with sleeved or potted connection up to 10 mm2
  • Customizable for customer needs and applications (available OEM versions)

Wiring Connection CAH/CAV/CAR

Type Pn [W] at 40°C Max Temp °C R [Ω] min-max Impulse Load [W] Ambient Temp 40°C, 120s cycle
1 Second Duty Cycle 5 Second Duty Cycle 10 Second Duty Cycle 20 Second Duty Cycle 40 Second Duty Cycle
CAH / CAV 120C 55 260 0,15 - 300 1070 410 320 240 170
CAH / CAV 150C 65 260 0,3 - 600 2420 820 600 435 255
CAH / CAV 165 C 75 265 0,3 - 800 3630 1120 780 540 285
CAH/CAV 210C 100 270 0,6- 1200 7030 1800 1120 750 375
CAH / CAV 240 C 120 275 0,7 - 1500 9530 2350 1440 850 435
CAH / CAV 300 C 155 290 1-1200 12800 3150 1920 1100 550
CAH / CAV 360 C 190 305 1,2 - 2500 16700 4080 2460 1320 660
CAR 85 C 110 260 0,1 -300 1090 420 330 250 180
CAR 115C 155 265 0,25 -600 2480 860 640 470 330
CAR 130 C 175 265 0,3 - 800 3750 1170 830 600 405
CAR 1750 C 240 275 0,5 - 1200 7420 1910 1230 830 570
CAR 205 C 280 285 0,7 - 1400 10200 2540 1590 1050 700
CAR 265 C 367 300 1,0 - 2000 13800 3460 2140 1420 940
CAR 325 C 450 320 1,2-2500 18100 4460 2750 1810 1170

Wiring and Junction Box Connection with and without Thermal Switch

Type Pn [W] at 40°C Max Temp °C R [Ω] min-max Impulse Load [W] Ambient Temp 40°C, Cycle 120s
1 Second Duty 5 Seconds Duty 10 Seconds Duty 20 Seconds Duty 40 Seconds Duty
CAH / CAV 145 CT 42 230 0,15 - 300 1070 410 320 240 170
CAH/CAV 175 CT 50 230 0,3 - 600 2420 820 600 435 255
CAH / CAV 190 CT 57 230 0,3 - 800 3630 1120 780 540 285
CAH / CAV 235 CT 76 230 0,6- 1200 7030 1800 1120 750 375
CAH / CAV 265 CT 92 240 0,7 - 1500 9530 2350 1440 850 435
CAH/CAV 325 CT 118 250 1 - 1200 12800 3150 1920 1100 550
CAH / CAV 385 CT 145 270 1,2 - 2500 16700 4080 2460 1320 660
CAR 110 CT/K/DT 100 260 0,1 - 300 1090 420 330 250 180
CAR 140 CT/K/DT 125 270 0,25 - 600 2480 860 640 470 330
CAR 155 CT/K/DT 130 272 0,3 - 800 3750 1170 830 600 405
CAR 200 CT/K/DT 165 265 0,5 - 1200 7420 1910 1230 830 570
CAR 230 CT/K/DT 190 265 0,7 - 1400 10200 2540 1590 1050 700
CAR 290 CT/K/DT 230 268 1,0-2000 13800 3460 2140 1420 940
CAR 350 CT/K/DT 275 270 1,2 - 2500 18100 4460 2750 1810 1170

*Impulse ranges for short pulses depend on the resistance values. Resistors with lower resistance values have more current than resistors with higher resistance values. The ranges in this table refer to resistors around 40Ω.

CCR-V Wiring Connection

Type Pn [W] at 40°C Max Temp °C R [Ω] min-max Impulse Load [kW] Ambient Temp 40°C, Cycle 120s
1 Second Duty 5 Seconds Duty 10 Seconds Duty 20 Seconds Duty 40 Seconds Duty
CCR-V 1 16C 185 250 2 - 1000 2,2 1 0,7 0,5 0,4
CCR-V 172 C 260 250 4- 1200 4,7 2,1 1,5 1 0,7
CCR-V 222 C 330 255 6- 1500 7,1 3,1 2,2 1,5 1
CCR-V 276 C 400 260 9-1700 10,8 5,1 3,5 2,3 1,4
CCR-V 326 C 500 265 10 -2000 18,1 7,4 4,9 3,1 1,7
CCR-V 426 C 635 275 13 - 2000 29,7 11,1 7 4,3 2,3
CCR-V 526 C 815 285 16 - 2000 30,6 12 7,7 4,8 2,9

Wiring Connection with Thermal Switch

Type Pn [W] at 40°C Max Temp °C R [Ω] min-max Impulse Load [kW] Ambient Temp 40°C, Cycle 120s
1 Second Duty 5 Seconds Duty 10 Seconds Duty 20 Seconds Duty 40 Seconds Duty
CCR-V 135 CT 140 230 2 - 1000 2,2 1 0,7 0,5 0,4
CCR-V 191 CT 190 250 4- 1200 4,7 2,1 1,5 1 0,7
CCR-V 241 CT 250 255 6- 1500 7,1 3,2 2,2 1,5 0,9
CCR-V 295 CT 300 260 9-1700 13,8 5,9 3,9 2,2 1,1
CCR-V 345 CT 380 265 10 -2000 18,3 7,5 4,9 2,8 1,4
CCR-V 445 CT 480 275 13 - 2000 29,7 11,1 7 3,5 1,8
CCR-V 545 CT 620 285 16- 2000 17,8 7,1 4,7 2,9 1,9
CCR-V 645 CT 790 290 20 - 2000 40,6 15,9 10,5 6,6 4,1

Box Connection with Thermal Switch

Type Pn [W] at 40°C Max Temp °C R [Ω] min-max Impulse Load [kW] Ambient Temp 40°C, Cycle 120s
1 Second Duty 5 Seconds Duty 10 Seconds Duty 20 Seconds Duty 40 Seconds Duty
CCR-V 135 B/D T 140 230 2 - 1000 2,2 1 0,7 0,5 0,4
CCR-V 191 B/D T 190 250 4- 1200 4,7 2.1 1,5 1 0,7
CCR-V 241 B/D T 250 255 6- 1500 7,1 3.2 2,2 1,5 0,9
CCR-V 295 B/D T 300 260 9- 1700 13,8 5.9 3,9 2,2 1,1
CCR-V 345 B/D T 380 265 10- 2000 18,3 7.5 4,9 2,8 1,4
CCR-V 445 B/D T 480 275 13 - 2000 29,7 11.1 7 3,5 1,8
CCR-V 545 B/D T 620 285 16 - 2000 17,8 7,1 4,7 2,9 1,9
CCR-V 645 B/D T 790 290 20 - 2000 40,6 15,9 10,5 6,6 4,1

General Specification

Temperature Coefficient 100 ppm/K
Dielectric Strength 3500 VAC at 1 minute
Insulation Resistance > 20MΩ / casing
Overload at one-second pulse per hour 10 - 100 x (depending on the resistor)
Overload at five-second pulse per hour 4 - 25 x (depending on the resistor)
Environment - 40 °C / +70 °C
Value loss in wired version Linear: 40°C = Pn to 70°C = 0.85 * Pn
Value loss in TW 200°C version Linear: 40°C = Pn to 70°C = 0.65 * Pn
Value loss in vertical mounting No loss
Value loss in horizontal mounting 0.8 * Pn
Value loss at high altitudes 1000m No loss
1500m 0.94 * Pn
3000m 0.82 * Pn
Installation Instructions A distance of 200mm to the nearest component is recommended to prevent heating of adjacent elements.
If two or more braking resistors are mounted side by side, a distance of 400mm between them should be maintained. If closer, the rated power should be reduced.
Cooling The rated power of resistors refers to passive, air-cooled conditions.
Vibrations According to EN 60068-2-6Frequency range 1-100HzAcceleration/amplitude
1 - 13 Hz ± 1mm
13 - 100 Hz at ± 0.7G
Corrosion Resistance According to IEC 60721-3-3/3K3 (C2 medium)200h cyclic salt mist IEC 60068-2-52
Connection Recommendations To minimize EMC interference, the use of shields is recommended, especially with any PWM.
Resistance Tolerance ± 10% (optional 5%)
Operating Voltage Standard UL: 600VAC / 850VDC ; IEC: 690VAC / 975VDC
Resistor Heating Time Constant 1000s
Thermal Switch (optional) Thermal Switch 130 / 160 / 180 / 200 °C. 2A. 250 VAC NC
Minimum Voltage 2V
Minimum Current 10mA
Rated Current/Voltage 2.5A @ 250VAC cos ʕ=1
Dielectric Voltage 2000VAC (3500VAC between TS and R)
Temperature Requirements for Cables IP 21 80°C
IP 65 90°C
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