Система заземления Symega-VO
Система заземления Symega-VO
Система заземления Symega-VO
Система заземления Symega-VO
Система заземления Symega-VO

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Производитель: WeSiTec eK

Система заземления Symega-VO

Ex - SYMEGA-VO grounding system

The grounding system Ex - SYMEGA-VO is intended to prevent electrostatic charges in potentially explosive areas and creates a secure connection between stationary and mobile, metallic or conductive and dissipative objects and a good earth.
The earthing system visualizes the presence of a good earth by means of a green LED and can enable or interrupt the subsequent process via potential-free changeover contacts.

The earthing system can be operated in two different variations.
Variation 1: Low-resistance measurement of the equipotential bonding from 0 ... 1 kOhm or 10 3 Ohm. (E.g. barrels, trucks)
Variation 2: High- resistance measurement of the potential equalization from 0 ... 3 MOhm or 3x10 6 Ohm ( e.g. big bags )

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Ex - SYMEGA-VO grounding system

The grounding system Ex - SYMEGA-VO is intended to prevent electrostatic charges in potentially explosive areas and creates a secure connection between stationary and mobile, metallic or conductive and dissipative objects and a good earth.
The earthing system visualizes the presence of a good earth by means of a green LED and can enable or interrupt the subsequent process via potential-free changeover contacts.

The earthing system can be operated in two different variations.
Variation 1: Low-resistance measurement of the equipotential bonding from 0 ... 1 kOhm or 10 3 Ohm. (E.g. barrels, trucks)
Variation 2: High- resistance measurement of the potential equalization from 0 ... 3 MOhm or 3x10 6 Ohm ( e.g. big bags )

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