Tryster Module 2000 A
Tryster Module 2000 A

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Производитель: TECHSEM

Tryster Module 2000 A

Techsem has recently launched 2000A thyristor module to the market. The 2000A module offers the highest power density as thyristor module. The customer can benefit from this high density power module to design much compact devices with highest reliability. The main applications for 2000A thyristor module are soft-starter, induction heaters etc.

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Techsem has recently launched 2000A thyristor module to the market. The 2000A module offers the highest power density as thyristor module. The customer can benefit from this high density power module to design much compact devices with highest reliability. The main applications for 2000A thyristor module are soft-starter, induction heaters etc.
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