Индукторы непрерывной закалки
Индукторы непрерывной закалки

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Производитель: DACPOL SERVICE

Индукторы непрерывной закалки

Inductors for continuous hardening

Inductors for continuous hardening require precise execution and setting on a hardening machine.

The saw blade moving at high speed, even with small deviations from the correct geometry of the inductor head, can interrupt production continuity by touching the coil. As a result, the power source reports an error and stops the process. Field concentrators increase the efficiency of the process, which allows you to increase the efficiency of the device.

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Inductors for continuous hardening

Inductors for continuous hardening require precise execution and setting on a hardening machine.

The saw blade moving at high speed, even with small deviations from the correct geometry of the inductor head, can interrupt production continuity by touching the coil. As a result, the power source reports an error and stops the process. Field concentrators increase the efficiency of the process, which allows you to increase the efficiency of the device.

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