Учвршћивање епоксидног лепка на алуминијумском копирном ваљку
Учвршћивање епоксидног лепка на алуминијумском копирном ваљку

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Произвођач: Ambrell

Учвршћивање епоксидног лепка на алуминијумском копирном ваљку

Curing epoxy on aluminum copier roller assembly

Objective: Heat the end of an aluminum copier roller to 400 ºF (200 ºC) to cure epoxy

Material: Aluminum roller 4.75” (120mm) diameter, 2’ (0.6m) long with 1.5” (38.1mm) thick plug at end

Temperature: 400 ºF (200 ºC)

Frequency: 112 kHz

  • Ambrell 15 kW induction heating system, equipped with a remote workhead containing eight 1.0μF capacitors for a total of 2.0μF;
  • An induction heating coil designed and developed specifically for this application.

Process: A four turn helical pancake coil is used to heat the end of the copier roller assembly. The assembly is heated 90 seconds to cure the adhesive.

Benefits: Induction heating provides:

  • Faster process time;
  • Hands-free heating that involves no operator skill for manufacturing;
  • Even distribution of heat between tube and end plug.

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Curing epoxy on aluminum copier roller assembly

Objective: Heat the end of an aluminum copier roller to 400 ºF (200 ºC) to cure epoxy

Material: Aluminum roller 4.75” (120mm) diameter, 2’ (0.6m) long with 1.5” (38.1mm) thick plug at end

Temperature: 400 ºF (200 ºC)

Frequency: 112 kHz

  • Ambrell 15 kW induction heating system, equipped with a remote workhead containing eight 1.0μF capacitors for a total of 2.0μF;
  • An induction heating coil designed and developed specifically for this application.

Process: A four turn helical pancake coil is used to heat the end of the copier roller assembly. The assembly is heated 90 seconds to cure the adhesive.

Benefits: Induction heating provides:

  • Faster process time;
  • Hands-free heating that involves no operator skill for manufacturing;
  • Even distribution of heat between tube and end plug.
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