Морате бити пријављени да
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Objective: To heat steel tube ends for a flattening/bending applications; the end customer uses products in the manufacturing industry.
Frequency: 191 kHz
Material: Steel tubes
Temperature: 1600 ºF (871 ºC)
Process: First, temperature indicating paint was applied to the part, which dissolves when the part reaches the target temperature. It took less than 20 seconds to heat the provided smaller tube sample to 1600 °F (871 °C) and it took 40 seconds to heat the larger sample tube to temperature. The client was seeing heating times of at least two minutes with an oven, so this is a significant improvement.
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морате бити пријављени
Objective: To heat steel tube ends for a flattening/bending applications; the end customer uses products in the manufacturing industry.
Frequency: 191 kHz
Material: Steel tubes
Temperature: 1600 ºF (871 ºC)
Process: First, temperature indicating paint was applied to the part, which dissolves when the part reaches the target temperature. It took less than 20 seconds to heat the provided smaller tube sample to 1600 °F (871 °C) and it took 40 seconds to heat the larger sample tube to temperature. The client was seeing heating times of at least two minutes with an oven, so this is a significant improvement.
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