ЕМЦ Заптивка - Образац за усне
ЕМЦ Заптивка - Образац за усне

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Произвођач: TC SHIELDING

ЕМЦ Заптивка - Образац за усне

Most elastomeric gaskets require a finite compression range to effect a seal. With solid and hollow sections problems can arise with the constraints of low clamping load and wide dimensional variance of hardware.
T C Shielding can now offer a special profile specifically developed for applications of this natureM.



  • Compression deflection range of 4 to 8mm.
  • Clamping load less than 50N per metre linear length.
  • Good repeated assembly characteristics.
  • Can be used with lightweight flanges with minimal clamping load.
  • Available in a comprehensive range of materials.
  • Can be attached with PSA, rivets or clips.
  • Not only EMC shielding to 60dB typical but also environmental
    sealing to IP55 and beyond.

The lip is produced by continuous extrusion and can be supplied in strip, roll or fabricated to form an enclosure gasket with fully vulcanised joints.

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Most elastomeric gaskets require a finite compression range to effect a seal. With solid and hollow sections problems can arise with the constraints of low clamping load and wide dimensional variance of hardware.
T C Shielding can now offer a special profile specifically developed for applications of this natureM.



  • Compression deflection range of 4 to 8mm.
  • Clamping load less than 50N per metre linear length.
  • Good repeated assembly characteristics.
  • Can be used with lightweight flanges with minimal clamping load.
  • Available in a comprehensive range of materials.
  • Can be attached with PSA, rivets or clips.
  • Not only EMC shielding to 60dB typical but also environmental
    sealing to IP55 and beyond.

The lip is produced by continuous extrusion and can be supplied in strip, roll or fabricated to form an enclosure gasket with fully vulcanised joints.

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