АЦ-8540/62-Т-1 Цханнел Цолд Аир Оутлет Цханнел 8540/62
АЦ-8540/62-Т-1 Цханнел Цолд Аир Оутлет Цханнел 8540/62

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Произвођач: SEIFERT mtm SYSTEM

АЦ-8540/62-Т-1 Цханнел Цолд Аир Оутлет Цханнел 8540/62

  • AC-8540/62-T-1
reducing incoming vibrations increases the operational reliability of the cooling unit
reduction of outgoing vibrations allows the use of the cooling unit on vibration-sensitive machines
easy installation
Order Number AC-8540/62-T-1
Note For SlimLine Pro KG 8540 / 8562

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Додај у листу жеља

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reducing incoming vibrations increases the operational reliability of the cooling unit
reduction of outgoing vibrations allows the use of the cooling unit on vibration-sensitive machines
easy installation
Order Number AC-8540/62-T-1
Note For SlimLine Pro KG 8540 / 8562
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