Жарење краја осовине хидрауличног мотора пре обраде
Жарење краја осовине хидрауличног мотора пре обраде

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Произвођач: Ambrell

Жарење краја осовине хидрауличног мотора пре обраде

Annealing the end of a hydraulic motor shaft prior to machining

Objective: Annealing the end of a steel hydraulic motor shaft prior to machining.

Frequency: 259 kHz

  • Ambrell 4.2 kW induction heating system, equipped with a remote workhead containing one 1.0 μF capacitor;
  • A coil specifically designed for this application.

Material: 0.75” (19mm) diameter steel rod, 6” (152.4mm) long with a keyway at the end.

Temperature: 1350 °F (732 °C)


A three turn helical coil is used for annealing the motor shaft. The end of the motor shaft is placed in the coil and power is applied for 20 seconds to reach 1350 ºF (732 ºC) and turn the steel red hot.

  • High efficiency, low energy cost;
  • Precise and controllable placement of heat to anneal only the required area;
  • Faster production process;
  • Consistent results.

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Annealing the end of a hydraulic motor shaft prior to machining

Objective: Annealing the end of a steel hydraulic motor shaft prior to machining.

Frequency: 259 kHz

  • Ambrell 4.2 kW induction heating system, equipped with a remote workhead containing one 1.0 μF capacitor;
  • A coil specifically designed for this application.

Material: 0.75” (19mm) diameter steel rod, 6” (152.4mm) long with a keyway at the end.

Temperature: 1350 °F (732 °C)


A three turn helical coil is used for annealing the motor shaft. The end of the motor shaft is placed in the coil and power is applied for 20 seconds to reach 1350 ºF (732 ºC) and turn the steel red hot.

  • High efficiency, low energy cost;
  • Precise and controllable placement of heat to anneal only the required area;
  • Faster production process;
  • Consistent results.
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