Морате бити пријављени да
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Objective: To heat a steel part for a brazing application; the client is manufacturing steel cable for the aerospace industry.
Frequency: 204 kHz
Material: Steel parts
Temperature: 1400 °F (760 °C)
A custom-designed multiple-turn helical coil was built to generate the required heating for the application. Temperature indicating paint was then applied to the part, which dissolves when the part reaches temperature. It took about 50 seconds to heat the part to temperature. The client was updating their induction system and this meets their time objectives.
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морате бити пријављени
Objective: To heat a steel part for a brazing application; the client is manufacturing steel cable for the aerospace industry.
Frequency: 204 kHz
Material: Steel parts
Temperature: 1400 °F (760 °C)
A custom-designed multiple-turn helical coil was built to generate the required heating for the application. Temperature indicating paint was then applied to the part, which dissolves when the part reaches temperature. It took about 50 seconds to heat the part to temperature. The client was updating their induction system and this meets their time objectives.
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