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Voltage monitoring relays are compact industrial automation devices used to protect electric energy receivers against the supply of electric energy with incorrect parameters, such as too high or too low voltage, voltage unbalance between power phases, loss of voltage in one phase, incorrect sequence of phases and other. These devices, thanks to a wide range of settings, modes and delays, can be successfully used wherever it is very important to maintain a sufficiently high quality of the supply voltage, e.g. with asynchronous machines, especially three-phase machines, when they are not powered by a frequency converter. The devices are factory-equipped with one or two SPDT contacts without an internally connected potential, which after detecting a fault, switch over, which can be used, for example, as a control for an electromechanical safety release coil, an automatic switch for signal lighting or an indicator that signals a fault to a freely programmable system.
Sample Applications
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Voltage monitoring relays are compact industrial automation devices used to protect electric energy receivers against the supply of electric energy with incorrect parameters, such as too high or too low voltage, voltage unbalance between power phases, loss of voltage in one phase, incorrect sequence of phases and other. These devices, thanks to a wide range of settings, modes and delays, can be successfully used wherever it is very important to maintain a sufficiently high quality of the supply voltage, e.g. with asynchronous machines, especially three-phase machines, when they are not powered by a frequency converter. The devices are factory-equipped with one or two SPDT contacts without an internally connected potential, which after detecting a fault, switch over, which can be used, for example, as a control for an electromechanical safety release coil, an automatic switch for signal lighting or an indicator that signals a fault to a freely programmable system.
Sample Applications
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