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The UK manufactured CMEB Extendable DIN Rail Terminal Enclosure features two removable side panels to offering accessible internal wiring. Unique extension pieces can be used to connect multiple bodies together, providing more poles and wiring options. Internal solder tags offer an effective way of connecting to PCBs or flying wires. Accommodates full size internal PCBs, with the extended version supporting horizontal or vertical PCB’s or separators between high and low power sides.
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The UK manufactured CMEB Extendable DIN Rail Terminal Enclosure features two removable side panels to offering accessible internal wiring. Unique extension pieces can be used to connect multiple bodies together, providing more poles and wiring options. Internal solder tags offer an effective way of connecting to PCBs or flying wires. Accommodates full size internal PCBs, with the extended version supporting horizontal or vertical PCB’s or separators between high and low power sides.
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