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The electronic thermostat is used for controlling heating and cooling equipment, filter fans or signal devices through the Relay DCM 010 or a similar device. The thermostat registers the surrounding air temperature and can switch a signal current via an internal relay with a potential free change-over contact. The LED integrated in the adjustment knob shows the closed status of the contact 1-2. When the temperature rises contact 1-2 opens and the LED turns off. In currentless state (no supply voltage) contact 1-2 opens.
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The electronic thermostat is used for controlling heating and cooling equipment, filter fans or signal devices through the Relay DCM 010 or a similar device. The thermostat registers the surrounding air temperature and can switch a signal current via an internal relay with a potential free change-over contact. The LED integrated in the adjustment knob shows the closed status of the contact 1-2. When the temperature rises contact 1-2 opens and the LED turns off. In currentless state (no supply voltage) contact 1-2 opens.
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