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Cable guards are the required tool to prevent accidents and allow continued passage. The guards cover loose wires to prevent accidents or damaging of unconstrained materials in refineries, chemical plants, paper mills, automotive, offshore and marine environments. At Intrepid Safety Products we offer affordable solutions to guarantee safety where necessary.
The characteristics of cable guards for safety use
Applying cable guards to create a safer working environment is very easy. In addition, simply use one of our safety hooks to suspend the cables and maximise safety on the work floor even more. The guards' characteristics show why they are the best solution for loose wires:
Delivery throughout Europe
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Cable guards are the required tool to prevent accidents and allow continued passage. The guards cover loose wires to prevent accidents or damaging of unconstrained materials in refineries, chemical plants, paper mills, automotive, offshore and marine environments. At Intrepid Safety Products we offer affordable solutions to guarantee safety where necessary.
The characteristics of cable guards for safety use
Applying cable guards to create a safer working environment is very easy. In addition, simply use one of our safety hooks to suspend the cables and maximise safety on the work floor even more. The guards' characteristics show why they are the best solution for loose wires:
Delivery throughout Europe
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