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Произвођач: ENEPAQ

Silicone Connection Cable (For 30A TinyBMS)

Silicone Connection Cable (For 30A TinyBMS)

  • Length: 300mm
  • Cross section: 0.35mm²
  • Insulation: silicone (well suited for higher currents)
  • Connection: JST PH
  • Spacing: 2.0mm
  • 8-pin cable (1x)
  • 9-pin cable (1x)
  • 4-pin cable (1X)

Silicone Connection Cable Set is Used to Connect the Cells to the Battery Management System (TinyBMS) 30A.

It is Characterized by its Excellent Temperature and Friction Behavior.

NOTE : Please consider buying this set with the 30A BMS

96,12 PLN
96,12 PLN Бруто цена / ком.
78,15 PLN Нето цена / ком.
Porez je uključen

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Silicone Connection Cable (For 30A TinyBMS)

  • Length: 300mm
  • Cross section: 0.35mm²
  • Insulation: silicone (well suited for higher currents)
  • Connection: JST PH
  • Spacing: 2.0mm
  • 8-pin cable (1x)
  • 9-pin cable (1x)
  • 4-pin cable (1X)

Silicone Connection Cable Set is Used to Connect the Cells to the Battery Management System (TinyBMS) 30A.

It is Characterized by its Excellent Temperature and Friction Behavior.

NOTE : Please consider buying this set with the 30A BMS