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EMI-tec conductive compounds are particulary long time stable, highly conductive without preload with exceptionally low closing forces, a particulary wide temperature range and outstanding compressionset.
The EMI-tec Form-in-Place Gaskets offers an excellent hight-width ratio, which allows particularly small seal widths and hights (from 0,3 mm up to 1,8 mm, or greater) The Form-in-Place Gasket was developed and approved for high-tech air and space applications, automotive, telecommunication products (base stations, telephones, tetra communication devices and many more).
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EMI-tec conductive compounds are particulary long time stable, highly conductive without preload with exceptionally low closing forces, a particulary wide temperature range and outstanding compressionset.
The EMI-tec Form-in-Place Gaskets offers an excellent hight-width ratio, which allows particularly small seal widths and hights (from 0,3 mm up to 1,8 mm, or greater) The Form-in-Place Gasket was developed and approved for high-tech air and space applications, automotive, telecommunication products (base stations, telephones, tetra communication devices and many more).
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