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The RAMO I indicator lights extend the range with a bright, energy-efficient signal lamp. The concave frame indicates that the beam reflection angle and viewing angle are over 180°, providing a different appearance compared to the RAMO T buttons. The indicator light is available in five colors. Similar to all RAMO actuators, the connection is simple with Plug & Play technology, eliminating the need for manual wiring - using M12 sensor cables. For RAMO I FLEXLAB indicator lights, individual configuration of lens color and labeling by the customer is possible, allowing for maximum flexibility. Additional lenses are required as accessories.
Backlight | SMT LED |
Voltage | LED 24 V DC |
Colors | Red, Green, Blue, White, Yellow |
Protection Level | IP66, IP67, IP69 (front) IP66, IP67 (rear) |
Connector | M12, 4-pole, a-coded |
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морате бити пријављени
The RAMO I indicator lights extend the range with a bright, energy-efficient signal lamp. The concave frame indicates that the beam reflection angle and viewing angle are over 180°, providing a different appearance compared to the RAMO T buttons. The indicator light is available in five colors. Similar to all RAMO actuators, the connection is simple with Plug & Play technology, eliminating the need for manual wiring - using M12 sensor cables. For RAMO I FLEXLAB indicator lights, individual configuration of lens color and labeling by the customer is possible, allowing for maximum flexibility. Additional lenses are required as accessories.
Backlight | SMT LED |
Voltage | LED 24 V DC |
Colors | Red, Green, Blue, White, Yellow |
Protection Level | IP66, IP67, IP69 (front) IP66, IP67 (rear) |
Connector | M12, 4-pole, a-coded |
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