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The Crouse-Hinds MTL K1550 series gas analyzers precisely measure the percentage levels of a single gas within a binary or pseudobinary mixture.
Examples include hydrogen, carbon dioxide, argon, helium, and various hydrocarbons such as freons. Virtually any individual component of a gas mixture can be measured, provided its thermal conductivity differs from the thermal conductivity of other components. Ranges from high ppm to 100% are possible, depending on the measured gas.
A calorimetric sensor measures the thermal conductivity of the gas. It contains an extremely sensitive element with low thermal mass that requires no maintenance. Signal processing and temperature compensation are provided by a microprocessor to ensure a level of accuracy and range not typically associated with this type of sensor.
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The Crouse-Hinds MTL K1550 series gas analyzers precisely measure the percentage levels of a single gas within a binary or pseudobinary mixture.
Examples include hydrogen, carbon dioxide, argon, helium, and various hydrocarbons such as freons. Virtually any individual component of a gas mixture can be measured, provided its thermal conductivity differs from the thermal conductivity of other components. Ranges from high ppm to 100% are possible, depending on the measured gas.
A calorimetric sensor measures the thermal conductivity of the gas. It contains an extremely sensitive element with low thermal mass that requires no maintenance. Signal processing and temperature compensation are provided by a microprocessor to ensure a level of accuracy and range not typically associated with this type of sensor.
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