Схринк фит
Схринк фит

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Схринк фит

Shrink fitting - piston pump

Objective Shrink fitting to enable production of a piston pump
Material Rubber rim, steel piston and plastic pump housing
Temperature 343 °C
Frequency 323 kHz
  • Ambrell EASYHEAT 1kW induction heating system, equipped with a separate workstation with one 0.66 µF capacitor.
  • Inductor made specifically for the application.
Process A two coil inductor was used for the fit. The temperature of 343 °C was reached in 8 seconds. Then the piston was inserted into the rubber ring and the whole fitted into the pump housing. Immediately afterwards, the steel piston was cooled quickly to prevent the rubber rim from melting.
Results Induction heating provides:
  • Quick, easy and safe process,
  • Equal heat delivery to heated parts.

Parts before shrink fit
Piston pump after shrink fit


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Shrink fitting - piston pump

Objective Shrink fitting to enable production of a piston pump
Material Rubber rim, steel piston and plastic pump housing
Temperature 343 °C
Frequency 323 kHz
  • Ambrell EASYHEAT 1kW induction heating system, equipped with a separate workstation with one 0.66 µF capacitor.
  • Inductor made specifically for the application.
Process A two coil inductor was used for the fit. The temperature of 343 °C was reached in 8 seconds. Then the piston was inserted into the rubber ring and the whole fitted into the pump housing. Immediately afterwards, the steel piston was cooled quickly to prevent the rubber rim from melting.
Results Induction heating provides:
  • Quick, easy and safe process,
  • Equal heat delivery to heated parts.

Parts before shrink fit
Piston pump after shrink fit

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