Индукциони резач плочица
Индукциони резач плочица

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Индукциони резач плочица

Induction knife for roof tiles

In the tile production line, induction heating was used to raise the temperature of the knife cutting off the concrete mass. The purpose of heating the knife is to prevent the mass from sticking together, resulting in a smooth tile ending surface. Induction heating ensures in this case a proper temperature distribution on the knife surface. The use of other heating methods is extremely difficult due to the constant movement of the knife system.


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Induction knife for roof tiles

In the tile production line, induction heating was used to raise the temperature of the knife cutting off the concrete mass. The purpose of heating the knife is to prevent the mass from sticking together, resulting in a smooth tile ending surface. Induction heating ensures in this case a proper temperature distribution on the knife surface. The use of other heating methods is extremely difficult due to the constant movement of the knife system.


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