Алуминијум / поликарбонатни панели Нанук
Алуминијум / поликарбонатни панели Нанук
Алуминијум / поликарбонатни панели Нанук
Алуминијум / поликарбонатни панели Нанук
Алуминијум / поликарбонатни панели Нанук
Алуминијум / поликарбонатни панели Нанук

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Алуминијум / поликарбонатни панели Нанук

An aluminum or Lexan panel kit can easily be added to any of our cases thanks to our integrated bezel system. Included in our aluminum panel kit is a contoured 1/8″ thick aluminum panel with stainless steel mounting screws and an adhesive backed die-cut waterproofing gasket. Our Lexan panel kit is contoured by a 3/16″ thick polycarbonate panel with stainless steel mounting screws and an adhesive backed die-cut waterproofing gasket.

Not available on NANUK 990 – 995 LONG Series.

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An aluminum or Lexan panel kit can easily be added to any of our cases thanks to our integrated bezel system. Included in our aluminum panel kit is a contoured 1/8″ thick aluminum panel with stainless steel mounting screws and an adhesive backed die-cut waterproofing gasket. Our Lexan panel kit is contoured by a 3/16″ thick polycarbonate panel with stainless steel mounting screws and an adhesive backed die-cut waterproofing gasket.

Not available on NANUK 990 – 995 LONG Series.

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