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The NANUK Lid Organizer is the ideal organization and convenience accessory to add to your case. The molded interior is designed to help keep your hardware, power cords and accessories entirely organized and in-view. The lid organizer includes a set of mounting screws for easy, stress-free installation. Features include three zippered and anti-tear compartments of various sizes for lots of gear storage.
Available for NANUK 920, 930, 933, 935, 945, 955, 960.
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The NANUK Lid Organizer is the ideal organization and convenience accessory to add to your case. The molded interior is designed to help keep your hardware, power cords and accessories entirely organized and in-view. The lid organizer includes a set of mounting screws for easy, stress-free installation. Features include three zippered and anti-tear compartments of various sizes for lots of gear storage.
Available for NANUK 920, 930, 933, 935, 945, 955, 960.
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