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Induction heating generators - HU S Series are devices which provide precise and repeatable heating by means of the induction phenomenon. They simultaneously provide high efficiency, reliability and high cost effectiveness. The generators have microprocessor control and can be easily integrated into production processes.
Brazing, soldering, hardening, shrinkage, pre-heating, annealing, smelting, drying, tempering, forging, sintering, sealing.
For more technical information, please refer to the data sheet under the " Downloads " tab.
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Induction heating generators - HU S Series are devices which provide precise and repeatable heating by means of the induction phenomenon. They simultaneously provide high efficiency, reliability and high cost effectiveness. The generators have microprocessor control and can be easily integrated into production processes.
Brazing, soldering, hardening, shrinkage, pre-heating, annealing, smelting, drying, tempering, forging, sintering, sealing.
For more technical information, please refer to the data sheet under the " Downloads " tab.
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