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Safety light curtains are a suitable product to help fulfil machinery safety standards, but they can be tricky to set up and maintain. That’s why we have re-thought, re-designed, and re-invented our F3SG-R series, with special features and smart designs that help you select, install and maintain the ideal light curtain with a minimum of time and effort. For example, we now use snap-in bayonet coupling for fast set up. Also the new torsion resistant bodies help ensure problem-free alignment. And there’s more ...
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Safety light curtains are a suitable product to help fulfil machinery safety standards, but they can be tricky to set up and maintain. That’s why we have re-thought, re-designed, and re-invented our F3SG-R series, with special features and smart designs that help you select, install and maintain the ideal light curtain with a minimum of time and effort. For example, we now use snap-in bayonet coupling for fast set up. Also the new torsion resistant bodies help ensure problem-free alignment. And there’s more ...
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