БЛ50В Индустријски компактни рачунар за бежичне апликације
БЛ50В Индустријски компактни рачунар за бежичне апликације

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Произвођач: MEN Mikro Elektronik

БЛ50В Индустријски компактни рачунар за бежичне апликације

The BL50W has been designed for wireless appli-cations, e.g. in trains, commercial vehicles, mobile machines or airplanes. It supports up to two Display-Port® interfaces with full HD resolution. In addition, a multitude of other I/O is available at the front panel, including two Gigabit Ethernet, two USB 2.0, variable slots for legacy serial I/O (e.g. RS232) or CAN bus, general purpose inputs and relay outputs.

  • AMD Embedded G-Series Dual-Core APU with 2 GB DDR3 SDRAM
  • 2 DisplayPorts, up to 2560 x 1600 each
  • 4 PCI Express ® Mini Card slots for WLAN, UMTS, GPS, GSM, HSDPA, EDGE, LTE, 9 antenna cut-outs and 8 SIM card slots
  • GPS interface
  • -40 to +85°C operating temperature

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Додај у листу жеља

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The BL50W has been designed for wireless appli-cations, e.g. in trains, commercial vehicles, mobile machines or airplanes. It supports up to two Display-Port® interfaces with full HD resolution. In addition, a multitude of other I/O is available at the front panel, including two Gigabit Ethernet, two USB 2.0, variable slots for legacy serial I/O (e.g. RS232) or CAN bus, general purpose inputs and relay outputs.

  • AMD Embedded G-Series Dual-Core APU with 2 GB DDR3 SDRAM
  • 2 DisplayPorts, up to 2560 x 1600 each
  • 4 PCI Express ® Mini Card slots for WLAN, UMTS, GPS, GSM, HSDPA, EDGE, LTE, 9 antenna cut-outs and 8 SIM card slots
  • GPS interface
  • -40 to +85°C operating temperature

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