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База знања

  • Како одабрати средства за обезбеђивање навоја?
    Како одабрати средства за обезбеђивање навоја?

    Чланак објашњава како одабрати одговарајуће производе за обезбеђивање навоја, укључујући анаеробне лепкове, опружне подлошке и траке. Савети покривају факторе који утичу на избор, као и практичне савете за примену.

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  • Šta su anaerobna lepkovi?
    Šta su anaerobna lepkovi?

    Saznajte više o anaerobnim lepkovima, kako funkcionišu i koje prednosti nude u izazovnim uslovima. Istražite njihove primene u uslovima visokih temperatura, vibracija i pritiska, kao i kako doprinose dugotrajnosti navojnih veza. Razumite njihove različite upotrebe u industrijama kao što su automobilstvo, proizvodnja hrane i farmacija.

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  • Vector Analysis of Circuits: The Key to Precise Electronics Design and Diagnostics
    Vector Analysis of Circuits: The Key to Precise Electronics Design and Diagnostics

    Vector analysis of circuits is an advanced method used in electronics to evaluate electrical circuits, particularly in the context of alternating current (AC) signals. By representing signals and impedances as vectors in the complex plane, it allows for precise visualization and analysis of their behavior as a function of frequency.

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  • Primena tečnih termoprovodnih materijala u elektronskoj industriji: Efikasno hlađenje za performanse i pouzdanost
    Primena tečnih termoprovodnih materijala u elektronskoj industriji: Efikasno hlađenje za performanse i pouzdanost

    U današnjem svetu, u kojem sve više elektronskih uređaja generiše značajnu količinu toplote, efikasno hlađenje postaje ključni faktor za obezbeđivanje pouzdanosti i performansi tih sistema. Kao odgovor na ovaj izazov, elektronska industrija sve češće poseže za inovativnim rešenjima kao što su tečni termoprovodni materijali.

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  • Comparison of capacitive and resistive touch panels: Which solution is better for your business?
    Comparison of capacitive and resistive touch panels: Which solution is better for your business?

    Choosing the right touch solution can be a challenge for many companies looking to implement innovative technologies in their products or processes. The two most commonly used types – capacitive touch screens and resistive touch panels – have unique advantages and are used in various environments. Understanding these differences will help select the ideal solution to ensure optimal performance, durability, and user convenience in a given application.

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  • Environmental resistance of capacitive touch panels: Key features for industrial applications
    Environmental resistance of capacitive touch panels: Key features for industrial applications

    In industry, the reliability and durability of devices are crucial, especially in challenging environmental conditions. In many sectors, such as manufacturing, logistics, energy, or heavy industry, technologies must withstand various challenges – from extreme temperatures and high humidity to dust and chemical exposure. In this context, capacitive touch screens stand out due to advanced technology and appropriate design, enabling their use in demanding environments.

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  • How to choose the right resistive touch panel for industrial applications
    How to choose the right resistive touch panel for industrial applications

    In the industry, automation and digitization of processes are increasingly important, often involving the use of advanced user interfaces like touch panels. In many industrial applications, choosing the right touch panel is a challenge, especially when adapting to specific working conditions such as high humidity, dust, or the need for glove operation. Resistive touch panels are a popular choice in industrial applications due to their durability and reliability. In the article below, we will...

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  • Resistive touch panels: why are they the ideal solution for industry?
    Resistive touch panels: why are they the ideal solution for industry?

    Touch technologies play a key role in process automation and management across various industrial sectors. Among the different types of touchscreens, resistive touch panels stand out as one of the most reliable solutions for harsh working conditions. Thanks to their durability and simplicity of operation, resistive screens have become an ideal choice for many industrial applications where durability and precision are priorities.

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  • How to Safely Connect POWERSAFE (POWERLOCK) Connectors
    How to Safely Connect POWERSAFE (POWERLOCK) Connectors

    In this article, we will discuss how to correctly connect cables to the Powersafe Sequential Mating Box power distribution unit.

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  • 5 Best Methods for Installing POWERSAFE (POWERLOCK) Connectors
    5 Best Methods for Installing POWERSAFE (POWERLOCK) Connectors

    In this article, we will examine the first two methods, discussing their key steps and recommendations.

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  • STANEX transport cases
    STANEX transport cases

    STANEX transport cases are designed with the highest level of stability in mind and provide protection against all significant environmental threats.

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  • Capacitive touch screens: How they work and their application in industry
    Capacitive touch screens: How they work and their application in industry

    Capacitive touch screens play a crucial role in the modern world of technology, and their application in industry is becoming increasingly common. Thanks to their reliability and precision, capacitive touch panels are used in many industrial sectors, from automation to medical devices. But how exactly does a capacitive touchscreen work, and why is it so popular in industry? Let’s take a look at its operating principles and key advantages.

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  • Šta su provodljivi elastomeri i kako mogu poboljšati elektromagnetsku kompatibilnost?
    Šta su provodljivi elastomeri i kako mogu poboljšati elektromagnetsku kompatibilnost?

    Elektromagnetska kompatibilnost (EMC) je ključni aspekt u projektovanju savremenih elektronskih uređaja. Provodljivi elastomeri igraju značajnu ulogu u poboljšanju EMC, nudeći efikasna rešenja za kontrolu elektromagnetnih smetnji.

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  • Najbolje prakse za oklapanje komponenti na PCB-u za EMC: Kako minimizirati elektromagnetne smetnje
    Najbolje prakse za oklapanje komponenti na PCB-u za EMC: Kako minimizirati elektromagnetne smetnje

    Sa sve većim zahtevima za elektromagnetnu kompatibilnost (EMC), projektovanje štampanih ploča (PCB) postaje sve složenije. Oklapanje je ključna tehnika koja štiti elektronske komponente od elektromagnetnih smetnji (EMI). U članku se razmatraju glavni izazovi i najbolje prakse za projektovanje oklapanja komponenti na PCB-u radi postizanja EMC standarda.

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  • Preciznost i multifunkcionalnost: Zašto investirati u IVT-3?
    Preciznost i multifunkcionalnost: Zašto investirati u IVT-3?

    Senzor struje IVT-3, dostupan u verzijama Base i PRO, nudi precizno merenje struje, temperature i napredne dijagnostičke funkcije. PRO verzija dodatno omogućava merenje napona i procenu stanja izolacije, što ga čini svestranim alatom idealnim za moderne električne aplikacije, osiguravajući visoku preciznost i integraciju brojnih funkcija.

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  • Koji su tipovi EMC filtera i u kojim situacijama se koriste?
    Koji su tipovi EMC filtera i u kojim situacijama se koriste?

    EMC filteri igraju ključnu ulogu u obezbeđivanju elektromagnetske kompatibilnosti električnih i elektronskih sistema. Njihov zadatak je minimiziranje elektromagnetnih smetnji koje mogu uticati na rad uređaja i sistema. U ovom članku ćemo razmotriti različite vrste EMC filtera i situacije u kojima se najčešće koriste.

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  • Najlepsze praktyki dotyczące instalacji i konserwacji dławnic kablowych EMC.
    Najlepsze praktyki dotyczące instalacji i konserwacji dławnic kablowych EMC.

    Dławnice kablowe EMC odgrywają kluczową rolę w zapewnieniu kompatybilności elektromagnetycznej systemów elektrycznych i elektronicznych. Ich prawidłowa instalacja i konserwacja są niezbędne do zapewnienia optymalnej ochrony przed zakłóceniami elektromagnetycznymi. W tym artykule omówimy najlepsze praktyki związane z instalacją i konserwacją dławnic kablowych EMC, które mogą pomóc w zapewnieniu niezawodności i wydajności systemów.

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  • Przegląd technologii EMC stosowanych w systemach automatyki
    Przegląd technologii EMC stosowanych w systemach automatyki

    Kompatybilność elektromagnetyczna (EMC) stanowi kluczowy aspekt w projektowaniu i eksploatacji nowoczesnych systemów automatyki. Jej znaczenie jest nieocenione w kontekście zapewnienia niezawodności i stabilności pracy złożonych urządzeń elektronicznych, które muszą działać bez zakłóceń elektromagnetycznych zarówno wewnątrz siebie, jak i z otoczeniem.

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Showing 1 to 18 of 156 (9 Pages)