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Explosion isolation in electrical equipment in ex zones on the example of flameproof covers Electrical equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres should be designed to protect the equipment against the possibility of ignition of the surrounding explosive mixture - both during normal operation and in a disturbance state. One of the methods of protection is to isolate the potential source of ignition from the hazardous explosive atmosphere, which is reflected in the...
Kondensatory foliowe z tworzywa sztucznego - ogólne informacje
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New Horizons in Thermal Cycling Capability Realized with the 7th gen. IGBT Module Based on SLC-Technology
The 7th gen. NX-type IGBT modules in the 650V, the 1200V and the 1700V categories have been developed in a comprehensive line-up to provide the best solution for different power classes. The new CIB (Converter Inverter Brake) modules which have been recently developed and the 800A / 1200V half bride module will further extend the line-up. The 7th gen. NX-type IGBT modules and the G1-series IPMs are based on the SLC package technology offering a remarkable advancement in the level of the...
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New Development Tools and EMC Strategies in Step with Practical Electronics
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Przemysł prefabrykatów betonowych — seria zastosowań: 5 z 5
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Cost and Return on Investment Analysis for Solar Panels
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Nowości w Technologii Fotowoltaicznej: Przyszłość Energetyki Słonecznej
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Falownik a wydajność instalacji fotowoltaicznej w warunkach słabego oświetlenia
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POWERLOCK Connectors in Photovoltaic Systems: Optimization and Reliability
In today's world, renewable energy is receiving increasing attention, and photovoltaics are a key source of green energy. Photovoltaic systems, consisting of solar panels and various components, form the foundation of solar energy production. In this context, POWERLOCK connectors become indispensable, helping optimize and ensure the reliability of these systems.
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Effective Strategies for Interference Immunity Analysis on the Board Level
Complex devices with integrated circuits and a low supply voltage increasingly fail interference immunity tests. The localisation and elimination of weak points is a real challenge in such complex devices. The fast, specific and hence cost-saving elimination of weak points requires effective strategies and appropriate equipment for systematic immunity analysis on the board level.
Towards a Greener Future: Highly Efficient SiC Power Devices for Wide Application Range
The reduction of carbon dioxide and the responsible use of electric energy are main drivers for a more sustainable future society. Silicon Carbide (SiC) and its superior physical properties shall save even more electric energy and make power-electronic converters more compact, which reduces the consumption of valuable materials and resources.
Line-up Expansion of X-Series High Voltage IGBT Modules in the 3300 V Class
Major applications using 3300 V IGBT modules like traction, medium voltage drives or power transmission & distribution require an absolute minimization of the number of fi eld failures. Taking into consideration all possible worst case application conditions, it must be ensured that the device must be operated safely inside the technical specifi cation. But in reality, it is sometimes impossible to predict all the worst case conditions which might occur during an actual fi eld operation....
Modern Trends in Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems: How Technology Impacts Comfort and Efficiency
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6500 V X-Series High Voltage IGBT Modules
On 29th Sep. 2015 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION launched the first product of the new high voltage IGBT X-Series product family [1] - the IGBT module with a blocking voltage of 6500 V and a rated current of 1000 A. CM1000HG-130XA is the highest rated device in the industry for this voltage class (operating temperature of 150 °C). A key design aspect of the X-Series is the combination of the already well know and proven R-Series package technology with the newly developed 7th generation IGBT...
Robust High Voltage IGBT Power Modules Against Humidity and Condensation
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