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Електро изоловани модули
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- Електро изоловани модули | Семикрон
- Електро изоловани модули | ПОВЕРЕКС
- Електро изоловани модули | ИКСИС
- Електро изоловани модули | ПОСЕИЦО
- Електро изоловани модули | АББ
- Електро изоловани модули | ТЕЦХСЕМ
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- Транзистори | GeneSiC
- SiC MOSFET модули | Mitsubishi
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- Транзисторски модули | MITSUBISHI
- Транзисторски модули | ABB
- ИГБТ модули | POWEREX
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Releji i kontaktori
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- Sistemi za meki sart i reverziblni kontaktori
- Elektromehanički releji
- Kontaktori
- Rotacioni prekidači
Једнофазни полупроводнички релеји наизменичне струје
- Једнофазни релеји наизменичне струје, 1 серија | Д2425 | Д2450
- Jednofazni poluvodički izmjenični releji CWA i CWD serije
- Jednofazni poluvodički izmjenični releji CMRA i CMRD serije
- Jednofazni poluvodički izmjenični releji - serija PS
- Двоструки и четвороструки полупроводнички релеји наизменичне струје, серије Д24 Д, ТД24 К, Х12Д48 Д.
- Jednofazni poluvodički releji - gn serije
- Jednofazni kružni releji Ckr serije
- Jednofazni AC poluvodički releji za DIN sabirnice - ERDA I ERAA serija
- 150A AC jednofazni releji
- Čvrsti releji s ugrađenim hladnjakom na šini - ENDA, ERDA1 / ERAA1 series
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Infrared heaters – application and types

Infrared heaters have been present on our market for many years and are becoming more and more popular due to their many advantages.
Appreciated by homeowners, business owners, and industrial plant owners, they heat objects of large height and cubature, and what is important – they can be used in partially open rooms.
Advantages of infrared heaters
Infrared heaters are a great way to economical, effective, and quick heating of all surfaces. One device with a power of 2kW is able to heat a room of 12 square meters with the cost of an hour of operation of such radiator is PLN 1 with a very high efficiency of the device amounting to 96% of electricity transformed into thermal energy. Radiators owe their uniqueness to two important aspects; the speed of heating, which begins immediately after turning on the device, as well as the possibility of creating thermal zones that can be changed if needed.
The warmth that is felt on the skin called the WELLNESS effect, calms and relaxes from the very first second additionally the cozy, dim light has a positive effect on the health of the body and soul. However, the positive impact on health does not stop there. Infrared heaters heat with waves and do not interfere with the air circulation, which is happening in conventional methods of heating rooms. No circulation means no dust, therefore radiant heating is an excellent alternative for allergy sufferers. Radiators are devices that do not affect the room in any way - they are quiet and odorless.
There are many models available on the market in special, aesthetic cases, to become an integral part of the room in which they are installed. The last thing worth mentioning is the working time of the infrared heaters, which is between 5,000 and 7,000 hours of filament operation.
Installation of infrared heaters
Infrared heaters also win with alternative heat sources in terms of installation. The devices are relatively small and above all, light. They do not burden walls, frames and structures of houses and production halls, and thanks to their lightness and connection only to the electrical installation, they can be placed on tripods, so that, if necessary they can heat different parts of the room or be moved to other places.
Application of infrared heaters
Infrared heaters are used in many industries such as the food industry for heating products, caramelizing sugar, heating almonds before processing, as well as drying, toasting and defrosting; in the paper and printing industry for drying and printing hardening, as well as in the textile, metallurgy, tea, tobacco and powder industries. Radiators are a very good solution for heating needs in closed and open spaces, with very different surfaces. They are a universal and economical solution for all buildings.
Types of infrared heaters
There are three types of infrared heaters available on the market, depending on the wavelength.
Shortwave infrared heaters
Emitting short waves (IR-A) are an excellent solution for point heating. They emit heat quickly and thanks to which they can be used in halls and workshops where there is no need to heat the entire surface. They work very well in sets with a tripod as a mobile and efficient solution.
Mediumwave infrared heaters
They emit medium waves (IR-B), which emit moderate heating. They are used only in infrared saunas and cheaper air heaters.
Longwave infrared heaters
Emitting dispersed heat waves (IR-C) that spreads evenly throughout the room. This solution is best for residential buildings. They are smaller and easier to install than radiators. An additional advantage is a possibility of mounting them not only on the walls but also on the ceiling.
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