Морате бити пријављени да
- диоде
- Тиристори
Електро изоловани модули
- Електро изоловани модули | ВИСХАИ (ИР)
- Електро изоловани модули | ИНФИНЕОН (ЕУПЕЦ)
- Електро изоловани модули | Семикрон
- Електро изоловани модули | ПОВЕРЕКС
- Електро изоловани модули | ИКСИС
- Електро изоловани модули | ПОСЕИЦО
- Електро изоловани модули | АББ
- Електро изоловани модули | ТЕЦХСЕМ
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- Мостовни исправљачи
- Транзистори | GeneSiC
- SiC MOSFET модули | Mitsubishi
- АББ СиЦ МОСФЕТ модули
- Транзисторски модули | MITSUBISHI
- Транзисторски модули | ABB
- ИГБТ модули | POWEREX
- Silicijum-karbidni poluprovodnički elementi
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- Гате Дриверс
- Блокови напајања
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- Električni pretvarači
Пасивне компоненте (кондензатори, отпорници, осигурачи, филтери)
- Otpornici
- Minijaturni osigurači za elektronske sisteme serije ABC i AGC
- Cilindrični brzi osigurači
- Osigurači sa odloženim delovanjem GL/GG i AM karakteristika
- Ultra-brzi osigurači
- Brzi osigurači sa britanskim i američkim standardom
- Brzi osigurači sa evropskim standardom
- Vučni osigurači
- Visokonaponski osigurači
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- Motorni kondenzatori
- Elektrolitski kondenzatori
- Kondenzatori - snubberi
- Energetski kondenzatori
- Kondenzatori za DC kola
- kondenzatori za kompenzaciju snage
- Visokonaponski kondenzatori
- Kondenzatori za indukciono grejanje
- Impulsni kondenzatori
- ДЦ ЛИНК кондензатори
- Кондензатори за АЦ/ДЦ кола
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- EMI filtri
- Superkondenzatori
- Заштита од пренапона
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Releji i kontaktori
- Теорија релеја и склопника
- Trofazni poluprovodnički releji
- Трофазни полупроводнички релеји наизменичне струје
- Регулатори, команде и додаци
- Sistemi za meki sart i reverziblni kontaktori
- Elektromehanički releji
- Kontaktori
- Rotacioni prekidači
Једнофазни полупроводнички релеји наизменичне струје
- Једнофазни релеји наизменичне струје, 1 серија | Д2425 | Д2450
- Jednofazni poluvodički izmjenični releji CWA i CWD serije
- Jednofazni poluvodički izmjenični releji CMRA i CMRD serije
- Jednofazni poluvodički izmjenični releji - serija PS
- Двоструки и четвороструки полупроводнички релеји наизменичне струје, серије Д24 Д, ТД24 К, Х12Д48 Д.
- Jednofazni poluvodički releji - gn serije
- Jednofazni kružni releji Ckr serije
- Jednofazni AC poluvodički releji za DIN sabirnice - ERDA I ERAA serija
- 150A AC jednofazni releji
- Čvrsti releji s ugrađenim hladnjakom na šini - ENDA, ERDA1 / ERAA1 series
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- Monofazni poluprovodnički releji za štampane ploče
- Интерфејс релеји
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- Indukcione komponenete
- Radijatori, Varistori, Termička zaštita
- Ventilatori
- Klimatizacija, Pribor za industrijska kućišta, Kuleri
Батерије, пуњачи, бафер напајања и претварачи
- Батерије, пуњачи - теоријски опис
- Litijum-jonske baterije. Nestandardne baterije. Sistem za upravljanje baterijom (BMS)
- Baterije
- Punjači i dodaci za baterije
- UPS i puferski izvori napajanja
- Pretvarači i dodaci- fotonaponski
- Складиште енергије
- Гориве ћелије
- Литијум-јонске батерије
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- Futaba Drone Parts
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- Тастери и прекидачи
- Снимач АЛ3000
- КР2000 снимач
- Снимач КР5000
- ХН-ЦХ мерач са функцијом регистрације влажности и температуре
- Потрошни материјал за снимаче
- 71ВР1 снимач
- Снимач КР 3000
- ПЦ снимачи серије Р1М
- ПЦ снимачи серије Р2М
- ПЦ снимач, 12 изолованих улаза - РЗМС-У9
- ПЦ снимач, УСБ, 12 изолованих улаза - РЗУС
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Kablovi, Licnaste žice, Kablovski kanali, Fleksibilne veze
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- плетенице коло
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- Врло флексибилан плетеница - коло
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- Бакра плетеница штит и цилиндрични
- Флексибилни уземљење траке
- Плетенице ЦИЛИНДРИЦАЛ поцинковани и нерђајућег челика
- ПВЦ изолацијом бакарне плетенице - Температура 85 ° Ц
- Стан плетени алуминијум
- Цоннецтион Кит - плетенице и цеви
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Increase Efficiency and Security: How the ERC Industrial IoT Gateway Modernizes Production Management

Integration of Industrial Devices with the Internet
Elevate your business by integrating industrial devices with the Internet. Real-time data collection and analysis enable quick, optimal decision-making and increased efficiency. All of this is within reach thanks to the ERC IoT Gateway.
Industrial Monitoring and Remote Management
Monitor production chains and equipment status, accurately identify equipment that requires maintenance, and streamline business operations with remote control systems embedded in machines.
Enable users to leverage valuable data and information through an IoT interface. A cloud-based portal provides remote management and oversight of industrial controllers, offering numerous benefits for users.
With remote access to industrial control devices, it’s possible to quickly and easily modify settings, monitor performance, and manage operations, allowing problems to be solved without the need for on-site visits.
Reliable IoT Technology in the Food Industry
IoT technology, widely used in various sectors of the food industry, significantly increases business efficiency. The use of smart devices and sensors in production, storage, transportation, and sales allows for process optimization and improved operational quality.
Food Safety
Monitoring production, storage, and transportation conditions of food products using IoT devices.
Efficient time utilization in production, storage, and sales processes.
Consumer Trust
Ensuring accurate and reliable information transfer through tracking.
Minimization of error margins through process automation.
Industrial IoT Gateways ERC: Key Features and Functions
Industrial IoT gateways are advanced technological devices, with their effectiveness determined by their technical parameters. Among them, the ERC IoT gateway stands out. It possesses all the features one might expect from such a device. Below are some of its selected features.
Technical Features
Easy and Quick Installation Using Mobile Verification
The installation process is seamless, thanks to a one-time code sent to the designated user’s phone number. The process is quick and straightforward.
Real-time Monitoring
You can easily track real-time readings and perform extensive database queries covering longer periods, all according to the selected time frame.
Alarm Management
Manage all parameters requiring monitoring. Control is easier and faster with features such as assigning specific parameters to key units and categorizing monitoring parameters into different contact groups.
Push Notifications via SMS and Email
The push notification system via SMS and email ensures quick and reliable control of industrial devices during alarm events.
Reliability and Security
Data is secured using encryption algorithms at the banking industry standard. The fault-tolerant infrastructure prevents data loss and blocks third-party access to data and devices.
User Management
Create and approve subordinate users directly from the super-administrator interface. Assign custom read-only or read-and-write permissions for these users in the selected gateway.
Periodic Reporting
Automatically send selected parameters to specified email addresses at chosen time intervals.
Monitor All Paired Gateways from a Single Interface
Easy navigation through all gateways thanks to an intuitive IoT interface. With cloud architecture, it’s convenient to assign multiple gateways to a specific email address.
Simple Update Process
The latest software version can be found and installed from the device, ensuring that the gateway always operates in the most optimal way.
As one of the few gateways on the market, ERC features a display, making it easy to read measurements and configure RS-485 settings.
Communication is carried out using the standard Modbus protocol, allowing connection with the vast majority of controllers available on the market.
The use of cloud technology significantly facilitates data access and parameter control. Additionally, it greatly reduces the number of cables needed to connect the system. This is a very convenient solution that any entrepreneur looking to modernize their operations should consider. This is exactly the solution provided by the ERC IoT gateway. Let's look at the key differences by comparing the ERC gateway to a system without cloud access.
Key Differences Compared to Non-Cloud Solutions
- A cloud-based system allows for monitoring of maintenance, safety, and system performance
- No issues with cable routing, just connect the controller to the ERC and access it from anywhere
- Encryption meets industry standards on every communication channel
- Monitor and control all locations from a single integrated user interface without needing to manually log in to each gateway, maintain IP addresses, and troubleshoot connectivity issues
Integrating industrial devices with the Internet through the ERC industrial IoT gateway significantly increases operational efficiency and safety. This technology enables remote monitoring and management of devices in real-time, allowing for quick response to issues and process optimization. By using the cloud, businesses can reduce cable infrastructure and gain easy access to data and settings from anywhere, fostering business modernization and improving operational quality. These features make the ERC gateway a must-have for any modern industrial sector.
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