Оптички сензори у конфигурацији (Трансмиттер-пријемник) М18-Л серија
Оптички сензори у конфигурацији (Трансмиттер-пријемник) М18-Л серија

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Произвођач: Panasonic

Оптички сензори у конфигурацији (Трансмиттер-пријемник) М18-Л серија

M18-L are cylindrical cased laser sensors. Available versions are: transmitter- receiver, with mirror and object reflection with option of head choosing - straight or angular. All version are available in the same plastic or metal cylindrical casing.


• Laser diode with red visible light,  class 1 (650 nm)
• Wide operation range (up to 60 m)
• Two transistor outputs („light” or „dark“ mode)
• Two head types: straight or angular
• Cable or M12 connector
• Metal or plastic casing

Symbol Type Operation range Output type Power supply
M18-LT6000-A-M-PN Receiver - transmitter with metal casing and angular head. 60 m Transistor PNP 10-30 VDC
M18-LP0900-R-P-PN With mirror inside plastic casing and straight head. 9 m Transistor PNP 10-30 VDC

Connection scheme

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M18-L are cylindrical cased laser sensors. Available versions are: transmitter- receiver, with mirror and object reflection with option of head choosing - straight or angular. All version are available in the same plastic or metal cylindrical casing.


• Laser diode with red visible light,  class 1 (650 nm)
• Wide operation range (up to 60 m)
• Two transistor outputs („light” or „dark“ mode)
• Two head types: straight or angular
• Cable or M12 connector
• Metal or plastic casing

Symbol Type Operation range Output type Power supply
M18-LT6000-A-M-PN Receiver - transmitter with metal casing and angular head. 60 m Transistor PNP 10-30 VDC
M18-LP0900-R-P-PN With mirror inside plastic casing and straight head. 9 m Transistor PNP 10-30 VDC

Connection scheme
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