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Isolated Master Control Gate Driver for Half-Bridge Power Modules in high voltage package up to 3300 V
Product Highlights
Highly Integrated, Compact Footprint
Protection / Safety Features
Green Package
This datasheet describes the Isolated Master Control (IMC) of the SCALE-iFlex™ Single gate driver family which consists furthermore of a Module Adapted Gate Driver (MAG).
The IMC is designed for operation of power modules with a blocking voltage of up to 3300 V, whereas the MAGs are available in various variants optimized for different power modules of different suppliers and chip technologies in the voltage classes up to 3300 V.
SCALE-iFlex Single enables compact and easy controlling power modules providing high flexibility and system scalability with minimum development effort.
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Isolated Master Control Gate Driver for Half-Bridge Power Modules in high voltage package up to 3300 V
Product Highlights
Highly Integrated, Compact Footprint
Protection / Safety Features
Green Package
This datasheet describes the Isolated Master Control (IMC) of the SCALE-iFlex™ Single gate driver family which consists furthermore of a Module Adapted Gate Driver (MAG).
The IMC is designed for operation of power modules with a blocking voltage of up to 3300 V, whereas the MAGs are available in various variants optimized for different power modules of different suppliers and chip technologies in the voltage classes up to 3300 V.
SCALE-iFlex Single enables compact and easy controlling power modules providing high flexibility and system scalability with minimum development effort.
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