Двострани лепилни термички траке Бонд-Пли 100
Двострани лепилни термички траке Бонд-Пли 100

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Произвођач: BERGQUIST

Двострани лепилни термички траке Бонд-Пли 100

• High bond strength to a variety of surfaces
• Double-sided, pressure-sensitive adhesive tape
• High performance, thermally conductive acrylic adhesive
• Can be used instead of heat-cure adhesive, screw mounting or clip mounting

• Mount heat sink onto BGA graphic processor or drive processor
• Mount heat spreader onto power converter PCB or onto motor control PCB

Thickness: 0.005/0.008/0.011" (0.127/0.203/0.279mm)
Reinforcement Carrier: Fiberglass
Dielectric Breakdown Voltage (Vac):3000/6000/8500
Thermal Conductivity: 0.8W/m-K

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Додај у листу жеља

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• High bond strength to a variety of surfaces
• Double-sided, pressure-sensitive adhesive tape
• High performance, thermally conductive acrylic adhesive
• Can be used instead of heat-cure adhesive, screw mounting or clip mounting

• Mount heat sink onto BGA graphic processor or drive processor
• Mount heat spreader onto power converter PCB or onto motor control PCB

Thickness: 0.005/0.008/0.011" (0.127/0.203/0.279mm)
Reinforcement Carrier: Fiberglass
Dielectric Breakdown Voltage (Vac):3000/6000/8500
Thermal Conductivity: 0.8W/m-K

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