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Objective: Heating the aluminum wire to achieve a temperature equal to that of the plastic coating applied to the wire
Material: Aluminum cable (diameter: 3.7 mm)
Temperature: 232 ºC
Frequency: 18 kHz
System: Ambrell EKOHEAT 50kW Induction heating system, 15-45 kHz with remote head, inductor consisting of 40 coils (length 0.8 m)
Process: It took 3 seconds to heat the wire to 232 ºC.
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морате бити пријављени
Objective: Heating the aluminum wire to achieve a temperature equal to that of the plastic coating applied to the wire
Material: Aluminum cable (diameter: 3.7 mm)
Temperature: 232 ºC
Frequency: 18 kHz
System: Ambrell EKOHEAT 50kW Induction heating system, 15-45 kHz with remote head, inductor consisting of 40 coils (length 0.8 m)
Process: It took 3 seconds to heat the wire to 232 ºC.
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