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Precision and High Reliability Thermostats
Thermostats can provide either temperature control or over-temperature protection by breaking electrical contact when a specified temperature is reached. Honeywell manufactures a wide range of thermostats for a variety of potential applications:
Honeywell can also integrate these thermostats in higher-value cable assemblies, incorporating wire harness and connectors. Also available is a selection of pre-configured REDI-TEMP Thermostats.
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Precision and High Reliability Thermostats
Thermostats can provide either temperature control or over-temperature protection by breaking electrical contact when a specified temperature is reached. Honeywell manufactures a wide range of thermostats for a variety of potential applications:
Honeywell can also integrate these thermostats in higher-value cable assemblies, incorporating wire harness and connectors. Also available is a selection of pre-configured REDI-TEMP Thermostats.
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