Изолационе траке
Изолационе траке

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Изолационе траке


Producer number Size Characteristic Glue Temp.
rob. [°C]
Całk. grub. [mm] Dielectric withstand [V]
27/12/3M 27/19/3M 27/25/3M 12MMX55M 19MMX55M 25MMX55M Resistant for tearing, elastic, used for winding protection RT 150 0.177 3
69/12/3M 69/19/3M 69/25/3M 12MMX33M 19MMX33M 25MMX33M Resistant for tearing, elastic, has thermal resistant glue, possible overprint ST 200 0.177 3
SUPER 10/12/3M SUPER 10/19/3M SUPER 10/25/3M 12MMX66M 19MMX66M 25MMX66M mechanical resistance, elastic, resistant for damages during soldering, good electrical properties, used for coil protection RT 155 0.127 8
SUPER 20/12/3M SUPER 20/19/3M SUPER 20/25/3M 12MMX66M 19MMX66M 25MMX66M mechanical resistance, elastic, resistant for damages during soldering, good electrical properties, used for coil protection. Possible overprint A 155 0.127 8
92/12/3M 92/19/3M 92/25/3M 12MMX33M 19MMX33M 25MMX33M Tape warp 0,025mm, tape resistant for electric shock, can be used in high temperatures, used for capacitor windings ST 180 0.076 7,5
1218/12/3M 1218/19/3M 1218/25/3M 12MMX33M 19MMX33M 25MMX33M Tape warp 0,025mm, tape resistant for electric shock, can be used in high temperatures, used for capacitor windings A 180 0.076 7,5
60/12/3M 60/19/3M 60/25/3M 12MMX33M 19MMX33M 25MMX33M Tape wrap 0,5 mm; has stable physical and electrical properties in a wide range of temperature. ST 180 0.102 9,5
5/12/3M 5/19/3M 5/2 5/3M 12MMX66M 19MMX66M 25MMX66M Tape wrap 0,025 mm; tape resistant for diluent, used for capacitor windings. A 130 0.063 5,5
56/12/3M 56/19/3M 56/25/3M 12MMX66M 19MMX66M 25MMX66M Tape wrap 0,025 mm; used for insulation of winding protection layer in temperature range up to 130°C RT 130 0.058 5,5
1350F-1/12/3M 1350F-1/19/3M 1350F-1/25/3M 12MMX66M 19MMX66M 25MMX66M Tape wrap 0,025 mm with inflammable glue, resistant for diluent, used as a external coil and capacitors protection. Possible overprint A 130 0.063 5,5
1350F-2/12/3M 1350F-2/19/3M 1350F-2/25/3M 12MMX66M 19MMX66M 25MMX66M Tape wrap 0,05 mm with inflammable glue, resistant for diluent, used as a external coil and capacitors protection. Possible overprint A 130 0.083 7

Shield tapes

Producer number Size Characteristic Glue Operation temperature[°C] Overall thickness [mm] Dielectric withstand [V]
1170/12/3M 1170/19/3M 1170/25/3M 12MMX16 5IV 19MMX16 5IV 25MMX16 5IV Foil 0 05 mm; conducting glue for electromagnetic noise protection. Easy to form. AC Aluminium 0 081 75 dB
1181/12/3M 1181/19/3M 1181/25/3M 12MMX16 5IV 19MMX16 5IV 25MMX16 5IV Foil 0 05 mm; conducting glue for electromagnetic noise protection. Easy to form. AC Copper 0 066 80 dB

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Producer number Size Characteristic Glue Temp.
rob. [°C]
Całk. grub. [mm] Dielectric withstand [V]
27/12/3M 27/19/3M 27/25/3M 12MMX55M 19MMX55M 25MMX55M Resistant for tearing, elastic, used for winding protection RT 150 0.177 3
69/12/3M 69/19/3M 69/25/3M 12MMX33M 19MMX33M 25MMX33M Resistant for tearing, elastic, has thermal resistant glue, possible overprint ST 200 0.177 3
SUPER 10/12/3M SUPER 10/19/3M SUPER 10/25/3M 12MMX66M 19MMX66M 25MMX66M mechanical resistance, elastic, resistant for damages during soldering, good electrical properties, used for coil protection RT 155 0.127 8
SUPER 20/12/3M SUPER 20/19/3M SUPER 20/25/3M 12MMX66M 19MMX66M 25MMX66M mechanical resistance, elastic, resistant for damages during soldering, good electrical properties, used for coil protection. Possible overprint A 155 0.127 8
92/12/3M 92/19/3M 92/25/3M 12MMX33M 19MMX33M 25MMX33M Tape warp 0,025mm, tape resistant for electric shock, can be used in high temperatures, used for capacitor windings ST 180 0.076 7,5
1218/12/3M 1218/19/3M 1218/25/3M 12MMX33M 19MMX33M 25MMX33M Tape warp 0,025mm, tape resistant for electric shock, can be used in high temperatures, used for capacitor windings A 180 0.076 7,5
60/12/3M 60/19/3M 60/25/3M 12MMX33M 19MMX33M 25MMX33M Tape wrap 0,5 mm; has stable physical and electrical properties in a wide range of temperature. ST 180 0.102 9,5
5/12/3M 5/19/3M 5/2 5/3M 12MMX66M 19MMX66M 25MMX66M Tape wrap 0,025 mm; tape resistant for diluent, used for capacitor windings. A 130 0.063 5,5
56/12/3M 56/19/3M 56/25/3M 12MMX66M 19MMX66M 25MMX66M Tape wrap 0,025 mm; used for insulation of winding protection layer in temperature range up to 130°C RT 130 0.058 5,5
1350F-1/12/3M 1350F-1/19/3M 1350F-1/25/3M 12MMX66M 19MMX66M 25MMX66M Tape wrap 0,025 mm with inflammable glue, resistant for diluent, used as a external coil and capacitors protection. Possible overprint A 130 0.063 5,5
1350F-2/12/3M 1350F-2/19/3M 1350F-2/25/3M 12MMX66M 19MMX66M 25MMX66M Tape wrap 0,05 mm with inflammable glue, resistant for diluent, used as a external coil and capacitors protection. Possible overprint A 130 0.083 7

Shield tapes

Producer number Size Characteristic Glue Operation temperature[°C] Overall thickness [mm] Dielectric withstand [V]
1170/12/3M 1170/19/3M 1170/25/3M 12MMX16 5IV 19MMX16 5IV 25MMX16 5IV Foil 0 05 mm; conducting glue for electromagnetic noise protection. Easy to form. AC Aluminium 0 081 75 dB
1181/12/3M 1181/19/3M 1181/25/3M 12MMX16 5IV 19MMX16 5IV 25MMX16 5IV Foil 0 05 mm; conducting glue for electromagnetic noise protection. Easy to form. AC Copper 0 066 80 dB
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