Једнофазни регулатори снаге серије ЕРЦА1 и ЕРВА1
Једнофазни регулатори снаге серије ЕРЦА1 и ЕРВА1
Једнофазни регулатори снаге серије ЕРЦА1 и ЕРВА1

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Једнофазни регулатори снаге серије ЕРЦА1 и ЕРВА1

Single-phase Power Controllers - ERCA1 and ERVA1 Series

ERCA1 and ERVA1 Series Controllers are used to fluently change the power of connected receivers such as resistance heaters or radiators. Regulators included in the set already have a heat sink and are dedicated for mounting on a DIN rail.

Controller ERCA1 is controlled by 4..20mA analog signal. Whereas ERVA1 - 0..10V.

Technical information about single-phase power controllers ERCA1 and ERVA1 Series

  • Control signal: 4..20mA or 0..10V (select during ordering);
  • Possibility to cool the heat sink with an integrated fan;
  • Max. current load: 40A, 50A or 70A;
  • Power supply range: 180-280VAC, 180-480VAC or 180-500VAC;
  • Operating temperature: -25..+60 °C;
  • Ingress Protection: IP20.

Connection diagram and dimensions of ERVA1-240PA

Jednofazowe regulatory mocy serii ERVA1

Connection diagram and dimensions of ERCA1-240PA

Jednofazowe regulatory mocy serii ERCA1

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Single-phase Power Controllers - ERCA1 and ERVA1 Series

ERCA1 and ERVA1 Series Controllers are used to fluently change the power of connected receivers such as resistance heaters or radiators. Regulators included in the set already have a heat sink and are dedicated for mounting on a DIN rail.

Controller ERCA1 is controlled by 4..20mA analog signal. Whereas ERVA1 - 0..10V.

Technical information about single-phase power controllers ERCA1 and ERVA1 Series

  • Control signal: 4..20mA or 0..10V (select during ordering);
  • Possibility to cool the heat sink with an integrated fan;
  • Max. current load: 40A, 50A or 70A;
  • Power supply range: 180-280VAC, 180-480VAC or 180-500VAC;
  • Operating temperature: -25..+60 °C;
  • Ingress Protection: IP20.

Connection diagram and dimensions of ERVA1-240PA

Jednofazowe regulatory mocy serii ERVA1

Connection diagram and dimensions of ERCA1-240PA

Jednofazowe regulatory mocy serii ERCA1
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