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ERCA1 and ERVA1 Series Controllers are used to fluently change the power of connected receivers such as resistance heaters or radiators. Regulators included in the set already have a heat sink and are dedicated for mounting on a DIN rail.
Controller ERCA1 is controlled by 4..20mA analog signal. Whereas ERVA1 - 0..10V.
Technical information about single-phase power controllers ERCA1 and ERVA1 Series
Connection diagram and dimensions of ERVA1-240PA
Connection diagram and dimensions of ERCA1-240PA
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ERCA1 and ERVA1 Series Controllers are used to fluently change the power of connected receivers such as resistance heaters or radiators. Regulators included in the set already have a heat sink and are dedicated for mounting on a DIN rail.
Controller ERCA1 is controlled by 4..20mA analog signal. Whereas ERVA1 - 0..10V.
Technical information about single-phase power controllers ERCA1 and ERVA1 Series
Connection diagram and dimensions of ERVA1-240PA
Connection diagram and dimensions of ERCA1-240PA
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